1956 cont.

Morley on Eclipses and Floods, cont. by Paul Hoffman (Maya)

Quotation from Morley "The Ancient Maya", pg. 214 'In confirmation of this tradition, the end of the world by a deluge is graphically depicted on the last page of the Codex Dresdensis (Fig.) Across the sky a serpent like creature with symbols of constellations presented on its side and signs for solar and lunar eclipses hanging from its belly. From its widely opened jaws, as well as from the two-eclipse-signs, pours a flood water, falling straight earthwards. Below the heavenly serpent, the old woman-goddess with long talon like finger nails and toenails, patroness of death and destruction, a writhing serpent on her head, and crossbones decorations on her skirt, holds an inverted bowl from which also gushes a destroying flood. Finally at the bottom stands Ek Chuah, the black God of War, the Moan Bird of evil omen on his head…The whole picture vividly symbolizes the destruction of the world and mankind by water, in agreement with the tradition reported by Landa. Page. 230: "The old woman-goddess" mentioned is Ixchel, The Moon Goddess. The heavenly serpent, therefore, must be something else. They are both throwing water on the Earth! (This passage from page 230 is no quotation; the book contains a somewhat longer explanation).

Webmasters note: We must be careful that the Lady holding the pot is not directly a Aquarius figure, she has to many clues to indicate she is more like the Sumerian and Egyptian Pot holder of Scorpio who has the same identities as Diana, Ishara Tamtim, or Ishara of the Sea. She is the patroness of the end of the Milky Way and one of the doors to the path for the dead souls newly departed. To prove this, her name in Maya is not Aquarius location it is Ixchel. Note-Ixchel=Ishara? I believe I am the first to discover this codex in constellation correction. She is in a way pouring the Milky Way as if downward not holding the pot up as the Egyptian Scorpi is shown in other depictions. Before Neptune was Scorpio's planet it was the moon that was used twice in two signs in the zodiac, which Scorpio was one of them that had the moon as her symbol. Even though eclipses are indicated of Solar and Moon, it would present a period when more then two planets were aligning, and closer to a celestial grand alignment. Below the Scorpio-Mayan potholder the water that flows from the pot has a square projection and shows a fish, with field symbol above it. This indicates a region near the great square of Pegasus, and Pisces zodiac sign. Symbol of the Ek Chuah, the black god of war holding his two instruments magus-sighting stick, and parallel stick this reveals two aspects of his cult. He is linked to Perseus Constellation (Persid Showers), and he is looking at Cassiopeia and Capella Star constellation. Then below where he sits is the Pleiades Constellation or Hydes. This same god was noted on the Voyage of the Argo. The meaning of all this is that the eclipses mark the entrances to the otherworld, which the Scorpio-Grandmother stands in front of. The event celestial speaking wise occurred between Dec. to early June for it starts with Scorpio Mother and ends at Taurus. It may refer to the length of time between the start and end of the flood, or catastrophe. It would seem it was watched for some time and that they knew the worst was coming. In a way the symbols show the flooding occurred in both celestial and earthly hemispheres. The Maya flood story as a myth has a more Hellenized, or Assyrian constellation format then a Egyptian one at first face. Looks as if it has been copied many times as a Codex. The original may have been copied not from a flat parchment, but a picture found on a Seal or insignia of some kind, which the region of Sumer, and Greece did use. We do note that this Grandmother Scorpio in Maya Codex looks to be as ancient as the Egyptian one in her depiction.

In fact she is so old, her dress has the layout of an atlar- and or omphalos (cross-hatched-net). It would seem that a celestial comet-Asteroid object was cutting across the Milky Way and not directly along its belt. It would also appear as if it crossed the Persid Ateroid Path almost against the grain of it, at some remote time. The story of 'Gilgemish', and 'Jason of the Argonauts' stories have some connection to this folklore. A different celestial sphere then just, Earth or those planets can also eclipse a moon and a sun?

Recent Soviet Interest In Atlantis, according to Mrs. Eva Rudzka, (North Seas) (written in the' Dziennik Polski', Dec. 4th, 1955) in Journal also Priroda Jul.1955 containing the article on Atlantis by Prof. E. F. Hagomeister of Tallin.

The disintegration of ionium made at varying depths in the Atlantic Ocean by the Ice breaker 'Sadko', results showing that the Gulf Stream has only come into existence during the last 12,000 years or

10,000 B.C.. The professor feels that these results would show that the end of the European Ice Age, the appearance of the Gulf Stream, and the submersion of Atlantis would all appear to have taken at the same time. In the same issue V.A. Obroutchev, of the Soviet Academy, whose fifteenth year of scientific work has just been celebrated by the Soviet Scientific World, states that he feels that the theory of his colleague is perfectly admissible in that the modern geological conceptions allow for vertical tectonic movements of great extent. He concludes by saying, "I consider that the exploration of the Atlantic depths will reveal buildings and other traces of a high standard of civilization." He is one of the leading authorities on Gobi Desert civilizations.

The Island of Captain Robson, by L. D. Hills (400 Miles west Canaries)

Hills was a journalist, member of the National Union of Journalists to which most British newspapermen belong. 'Our trade is facts, our job is to get the news as accurately as we can and to check our facts by every possible method.' Basically, after the editor determines the 'angle', the re-write man expanded the portions that bring out the editorial decision on the 'story-line' and sub-editor's blue pencil has slaughtered the rest, the reporter sends in the facts, the truth as near as he can get it. What is thrown out may go on the editorial view of reader interest, the competition of other news, or the politics of the proprietor, but it is this that fills the pubs of Fleet Street with 'inside stories'.

A agency cable of unusual stories if of a mystery is usually so limited when it is received it gets blown up out of imagination. So, information has to be checked- luckily, the Jesmond-Ship was British and so one just checks the Lloyds. She was an Iron screw schooner, that is, with sails as well as steam engines (built by Wallsend Slipway Co. of New Castle). She was launched in Dec. 1878 by C. Mitchell and Co. of Newcastle, 252 ft long 33 feet beam, 1495 tons and she was finally sold to Japan and lost in September of 1925 as the Tomashima Haru when owned by the Narasaki Kisen K.K. Her signal letters were S.G.L.R. and from every ship that met her Lloyds would have a report and from the records her voyages can be plotted round the world. Her owners were Watts, Watts and Company of Threadneedle Street. It is here we come to a stop. Their office was blitzed in 1940, and they lost the records of 150 years as ship owners, the log of Jesmond went with them. Nevertheless, they are now writing round all their retired captains to find one who knew Capt. Robson. Why? Because they can be sure that they are not hunting a mythical vessel, and this goes for everyone, you cannot expect any authority to waste time on the inquiry which is vague and doubtful and we are now absolutely sure that the 'Jesmond' was a 'real' ship! That size of ship has a Captain ('Skipper' is a word that means a man who 'skipped' taking one, his vessel was too small, a fishing boat has a skipper and for a captain is a slang use of a term). The Registrar of Shipping and Seamen look after these records. Captain David Amory Robson was born at South Shields on Oct. 20th 1839, he took Master's Certificate No. 27911 in Jan. 1872, and he moved his home address to Jarrow in 1880. The Captain of the Queen Mary has a higher numbered certificate than that, but went through the same kind of examination. In Iowa the correspondent sent in his story and they sat on it until April 28th, so the Jesmond did not arrive on the 27th. She came in past the signal station flying 'S.G.L.R.', and with the Red Ensign at her stern, on April 1st 1882 (New Orleans), and she went out again on the 6th, coming up the Thames in England on May 19th, 1882, the records of her sightings are still in England after 74 years. This brings her back to rather important date, checked with the institute of oceanography and the Hydrographer to the Admiralty. She was at the island (found) at the end of February or early March (on way to New Orleans), the time when long sweeping drift of suddenly warm or poisoned water went right across the Atlantic. It covered an estimated 7,500 square miles with up to a million tons of dead fish, it was in one place 69 miles across for one vessel sailed from 6:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. through dead fish, and nothing like it has happened before or since. In Nov. 1720 an island popped up and down in just the same way between Terceira and San Miguel in the Azores, but the dead fish were relatively local. Put the erruption right down in the region of the trade winds and the North Equitorial Current, the route that carried Columbus, and the warm water, plus sulfur and according to modern knowledge a good deal of radio-activity is going to swing right across and end up in the Gulf Stream. It was this that carpeted the eastern coast of the United States with dead 'tile fish' in 1882. An Island as big as 'Robson Island' does not go up and down without a fuss, here it is. The Odebolt Reporter date puts this too late, though the Jesmond was not a speedy vessel from her homeland time. The British Museum have checked their records, they never had the Robson collection (of finds from that new Island), and the search continues. I am going to get that stuff if I possibly can. It is one of three things, a hoax made up of curios, the results of an ancient shipwreck, or a grave of a chieftain of the Lost Atlantis, we shall know which when it gets at last to the British Museum. The Piltdown skull tests on that cranium are going to decide whether or not it has been under the sea for a long time, if there were heiroglyphics on those vases they can be read. The material may not be Egyptian at all, but if it is, even an Egyptian ship right out in the broad Atlantic on the trade wind route puts an entirely unexpected light on B.C. seafaring. Did Capt. Robson give his material to the New Orleans Museum or to the local agent for Messrs. Watts and Watts? Did a captain of any American Ship report the same sighting. What is the full history of that fish slaughter from your side? Is there anyone prepared to go and dig up the evidence and do the hard work which goes into the story that is cut to a ten line fillup because some wretched 'Masked killer slays Nine and hogs all the space (in a paper report).

Webmaster's Note- The fact that Jesmond came into New Orleans on April 1st, or April Fools Day, does not necessarily mean it was a April Fools Joke, but at times stories would spread faster if a date like this occurred in a believe or not pose. The fact the report of oceanographic activity in regards to poison in the water and dead fish only lends itself to Capt. Robson's report, which in this event is fully recorded and true. The history of the Azores is well known in modern times as having an active area geologic wise and volcanic wise, a subduction zone falls southward of this region. The moving just 600 miles southward of this and you hit the general region that had these underwater volcanic problems in a similar fashion as the Azores, because Lanzerote Island In Canaries had a bad volcanic activity in the later 1700's which Jesmond was 400-600 miles west of this. We can only conclude that if the 1700's were active why not a 150 year interval to more activities, and in recent times the Sept. 7th 2001 find of buildings S. West of Azores 250 miles out shows some land activity occurring there presently. 150 years minus 2001 A.D. equals 1851 A.D. within 31 years of Capt. Robson's Island discovery. Ten years after the 1882 event in 1890's trans-cable line ship noted north of the Azores land rising 200 meters almost overnight. We must take seriously that what he found is at least a temporary Island, and not rule out possible objects he really found. Especially, if the sulfur water and dead fish tell us, 'yes, it is possible'. It is funny how we can take volcanisms in the Hawaiian Islands with new lands formed recently and say they are active but if we look at the Atlantic changes we are not supposed to talk about that?

A Cingalese Flood legend, Cont. By Boedeker U. E. Ramage (Ceylon, Maha)

'And King Uttiya (267 B.C.) reconstructed the orignial Chetiya built by King Maniakkhika… the reign of Kelanitissa, the grandson of Uttiya was a mixture of romance and tragedy. It was then the established custon at the palace for the king, assisted by the Queen, to supervise the daily offerings of alms to the Sanga (Buddihist Monkhood)(Egyptian Sa-Ankha). The King's brother , who had previously fled from the Court to avoid the wrath of the King for carrying on an intrigue with the Queen, adopted an ingenious ruse to correspond with his beloved. He arranged for his servant to enter the palace in the guise of a bhikkhu (Buddhist Monk) with the rest of the fraternity, and to drop a letter for the Queen. This was done, but the rustle of the note attracted the attention of the king who picked it up. The king in his blind rage, misled by similarity of the writing to that of the Maha Thera (Abbot or Elder is the best I can translate Maha Thera)( Egyptian 'True of Word' Priest), ordered that saintly 'High Priest' (or Dignitary-there are no Priests in Theravada Buddhism) to be thrown in a cauldron of boiling oil. Later it transpired that the king's brother, who had been a pupil of the Maha Thera, had acquired a similarity of writing (on ola leaves) to that of the High Priest. Very soon the sea began to encroach rapidly upon the West Coast of Lanka (Ceylon), and the king firmly believed this to be a curse upon him for the sacrilege he had committed. Whereupon he consulted the wise men of his realm who advised the king to make a sacrifice of what to him is "most near, most precious and most dear," to appease the 'Devas' of the sea, where uopn his only child, the beautiful Princess Devi, volunteered to make the sacrifice. Much against the king's will, the princess was placed in a covered boat, on which was inscribed her name and her royal connection, launched into the ocean. The floods then subsided and upon hearing the stories of the havoc wrought by the waters, the king proceeded to view the devastated land. It is stated that when he reached the place now known as Etubunwela, ('Elephant' Well-Egyptian Etbo, or Tebu) the earth suddenly opened up and the king with his elephant was swallowed up in the chasm. The boat containing the princess drifted towards the southern coast of the island, where it was brought ashore at Kirinda by some fisherman. This was brought to the notice of the King Kavantissa, the ruler of Rohana (a province of that period) who proceeded immediately to the spot. When he read the inscription and found her to be a princess of the royal blood, she was led in procession into the capital, Mahagama, where he made her Queen. Throughout history she was known as Vihara Maha Devi…from them, as history related, was born King Dutugemunu, who brought Lanka under one sovereignty by subjugating then Tamil invaders.. this was during the years 161-137 B.C.. (Comment: Legend apart, the reign of King Dutgemunu is historical fact).

Webmaster's note: We may note that the Maha, like the Maya name is very prolific in Ceylon, India, Burma, and Cambodia. The flood myth can move also from west to east.

The Land Bridge across the North Sea, E. Sykes (North Seas and Greenland)

A map taken from the following sketch map, taken from "Submerged Forests", by Clement Reid, published by the Cambridge University Press in 1913, shows the position of the coastline at some period earlier then 2,000 B.C., and probably not before 5,000 B.C. It will be seen that not only was the Dogger Bank dry Land, but the site of Jurgen Spanuth's, Atlantis off Heligoland was also dry land at the time. At that time the land bridge joining Britain to Ireland had, in all probability, ceased to exist, the separation of Europe from both Atlantis and America being complete.

Webmaster's Note: By 1,600 B.C. crossing the channel could be done by a shallow barge with a pole to move along with and some rowing then just a full blown boat. The region of England's southern portion was in many places very swampy like Venice. It explains also why palm trees could enter the Baltic seasonably at 6,000 B.C.? In regards to this issue Sykes looking at Dr. Malaise book, 'Sjunket Land I Atlanten' (Sunken Lane in the Atlantic), Stockholm, 1956.

"In his opinion the occurrence of freshwater diatoms in certain deep se cores shows that the Atlantic Ridge was above water until about 10,000 B.C., forming the southern projection of the Land Bridge from Europe to Greenland via Iceland. " At about that time fractures occurred between Greenland and Iceland, and between the latter and Europe, enabling the waters of the Gulf Stream to penetrate to the North, although they were still barred from the West Coast of Africa by the then North Eastern tip of Atlantis.

We may want to take a closer look at the Celtic 'Ler' sea-god of the Soar River and the City of Leicester and his son 'Manawyddan' who are connected with a lost land beneath the seas called in Celtic,

Tir-n'an-Og, or 'Land of the Three Nern's'-Oc-'Sea or Clan of', and Tyrranean Sea?

Echo's of Atlantis in Nippon, by Prof. A. M. Kamienski, A.F.R.A.S end of 1956



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