1953 cont.

The Amazons, P. Hoffman

The Amazons were found on both sides of the Ocean at a remote time and had stories about them in both Old and the New World. Diodorus Siculus writes about a part they played in the history of Atlantis under the leadership of Queen Myrina (Mer-Ani?), while several authors place them with an Island in the Atlantic. Apart from Ogygia, the island of Calypso, daughter of Atlas in Odyssey, and Celtic story of Tir-na-m-Ingen, 'The Land of Virgins' there is two others not well known. Qazwini the Arab chronicler says: "The city of the women, is a great town in an island in the Sea towards the West. (There follows a description of how their children were fathered by slaves)…the city of women is a fact about which there is no doubt."

Edrisi the Geographer writes: "In the sea of darkness (The Atlantic) there are many uninhabited islands. There are however two, named the islands of the heathen Amazons, one of which is populated by women only."

German Scientist Professor R. Hennig of Dusseldorf answered a question of how women became Amazons, in his work, "Wo lag das Paradies": "Apart from the Atlantean Empire, where we may feel confident that any race of fighting women were but remnants of migrations from the Atlantean Islands, the only major occurrence of this strange fact is in the Far East, where until recently, women lived separately on certain islands and the men on others, to meet only for a few weeks in the year. This state of affairs was upheld in order to limit the population of the island which could only supply a certain limited quantity of food."

Is it not probable that the cause of the Atlantean Amazons was not the same. According to Zimmer, there exist celtic memories of an island in the Atlantic in which men lived, apart from the Island of Virgins. Through long periods of history we hear of the Atlanteans fighting for lebensraum, which may have been due to migration waves following successive submersions of portions of the island, as recorded by Timaeus (cf Donnelly and Spence) or to the rising tides as Luna drew near to the Earth. The present writer feels that both explanations are probably right. The date of 12,000 B.C. as given by Bellamy for the submergence of the greater part of Atlantis is probably right while that given by Kamienski in Atlantis Vol.4, No. 5, would link up the final submersion of Posedonius with the visit of Halley's Comet, which is about the time given by Plato. As has been pointed out elsewhere, the Atlanteans fought each other in places where migrants settled. So to the Greek Myths of the avoiding of conception is not accidental due to population issues in small areas. True in latter dates the Amazons started to change policy and issued more children, but retained the custom longer then was necessary.

Note by Editor: Calypso's isle of Ogygia is noted by Plutarch: "De Facie in Orbe Lunae," and by Lycophoron. The Eleusian Mysteries were called the Ogygiades. The best known King Ogyges was the Son of Neptune and Alistra, and the father of Eleusis by Daeria, or, alternatively (Graves) the father of Daeira, the High Priestess of Eleusis. There was a Deluge in his reign, of which there are two versions (Boetia and Attica). The time was marked by an uncommon appearance in the heavens according to Varro.

Webmasters Note: The Ogyg is the root form of his name related to Magog Gog giant names later, and it has goat name also of Agygia since the Cyclops did have sheep. Then Giades and Cadiz end of the mysteries cult name shows the Spanish name of a region, and a vague term for a Horse. The Iades within that word has the Hades, or Ha Hati term of the Underworld and Isis and Nephthys Goddesses. We can outline now:

Giant, Islands, or Lands, Sea Horse-Goat i.e. Capricorn Age, Cathonic Goddess Priestess Temples, and mining race. The Eleusis involved the Horus, Osiris and Isis group but with a Western Isles emphasis. The Alistra name involved the Ara-Star Constellation and Neptune refers to this seat and altar under the sea. The uncommon appearance occurred with a close encounter, or encounter of a celestial body when not one but 3-5 comets appeared in the sky at around 11,000 B.C. or earlier.

Where Calypso may have lived, By Egerton Sykes



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