1953 cont.

Where Calypso may have lived, By Egerton Sykes (a summary)

The Azores when Prince Henry the Navigator (Portuguese explorer a descendant of England's own John Gaunt) ordered the expedition in the 15th Century were found to be uninhabited. According to Legend Prince Henry was in possession of an Ancient Map upon which the position of the Islands was marked, and overlooked the significance of this map for previous Trans-Atlantic contacts before Columbus. The only evidence of Human Habitation when he arrived was a Bronze Statue Equestrian who was pointing on a Horse towards America on the Island of Corvo. Some 250 years later, small hoard of Cathegenian coins was found, dating back to the 3rd Century B.C., and was described by the Swedish Archaeologist, Podolin. The presence of the coins established the fact that this island of Corvo was a trade center as far back as that date. Unfortunately, the statue and coins are missing, one lost to sea, and the other unknown to who the collector was. Humboldt mentions a cave on one side of the Island that first explorers found several inscriptions, and two or three statues. The writing was thought to be Hebrew only because they could not read it, but is very likely was Lybian-Punic, or Phoenician. The traces of the Caves location has also been lost all of, which can maybe traced in accounts in some Portuguese Library. The mythical Irish Maeldune, who visited the Islands in search of the slayer of his father, mentions an Island where a horde of Giant Ants as large as foals waited to seize the crew of his ships. Today these very rocks are called in the Azores, the Formigas or Ants? Maeldune reported landing on an Island where he saw, "A vast multitude of people on the sea, rushing along the crests of the waves with great outcry. As soon as they landed, they went to the green where they arranged a horse race." Since no less than eight of the nine coins found on Corvo had horses. Long before that, Statius Sebosus said the Azores were 6,000 Stades (750 miles) West of Maderia, and named two of the Islands Pluvalia, and Capraria, a fact well known to compilers of guides to navigators. Homer's reference to Calypso's Isle, 20 days sail from the islands of the Phaecians (The West Indies) obviously refers to the Azores. The Egyptians 1,500 B.C. had passed by the Azores, but is there earlier evidence of the land once being larger and inhabited?

The Swedish Scientist, Prof. Petterson, says that the Mid-Atlantic Ridge was still above water fifteen thousand years ago. The fact that Santa Maria, the first island to be colonized again, is not volcanic tends to disprove the theories that the Islands were thrown up by volcanic action alone.

Webmaster Notes:

The islands the Greeks noted is broken up as Pluval-ia, and Caprar-ia which Pluval is the Latin equivalent of praefui, or as an adjective form Praesens i.e. present and in person. Also, refers to a safe harbor indirectly with praesidium name, which recalls Posidium. The other angle is proveho, to carry forward or sail onward in latin, and lastly profluo or to flow forth to rise. This indicates that the Pluval-ia is an island that maybe-volcanic active, or rises high and that some Egyptian Pharaoh's name had marked it as his own. The Caprar Island almost has the Calypso name, or Caply-so.

Latin Capere means take, or seize, and Caprae is for a 'goat'.

In Egyptian however Khepri is a magical serpents with human heads and wings in Taut XI

And is the name of Kheprer for the self-begotten sun beetle itself a form of Ra.

It is also a name for the spring period and the Zodiac sign of Cancer being the

opposite of Capricorn like Tropic of Cancer had replaced? The Islands may still yield

their original names yet!


The 'Lost Atlantis' of G. I. Bryant, By Egerton Sykes



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