1954 cont.

In light of this information, the previous link or second previous link has the site at the top of it on the Sept. 7th 2001 finding of structures by oil explorers 250 miles S. West of the Azores with a Plato Citadel description at 2,800 feet down, and the Cuba western shore recent find is of note at the same link. Http://earthfiles.com/earth303.htm and Ancientamerican.com.

Lost Atlantis (Part 6 Bryant) by Egerton Sykes

In the first place they carried bridges over the zones of the sea which surrounded the ancient metropolis, and they constructed a passage-way into and out of the royal palace, and then they began to build the palace in the house of the god Poseidon and their ancestors. "They continued to embellish in succeeding generations, every king surpassing the one whom he succeeded, unto his utmost ability, until they made the building a marvel to look at for extent and beauty. And beginning from the sea they dug a canal, three hundred feet in depth, and nearly six English miles long, which carried through to the outermost zone, making thus a pathway from the sea up to the said zone, which thus became a harbor, and leaving an opening sufficient for the largest vessels to find their way out. Moreover, they joined the zones of land which parted the zones of water by building bridges so wide that would leave passage for one trireme to pass out of the zone of water into another, and roofed them over, and there was a way underneath for the ships as the sides of the earth zones were raised considerably above the water. Now the largest zone of water into which the canal from the sea entered was 1808 English feet broad, and the land zone coming next was equal breadth: but the next two were 1206 feet each in breadth: and the one of water surrounding the central island was 503 feet only in width."

The central metropolis would, of course, be in the central island containing the Palace Temple of Poseidon and Cleito, which was made inaccessible as possible by the arrangement of the zones. This account reminds me of Venice, and then our thoughts go back to still earlier city of Carthage, but on similar lines in 869 B.C., with sea-gates like the ones referred to above. Those that had old records of the layout or proportions of the Atlantis canal zones was laid out in some of Carthage Cities founding. It must have taken hundreds or thousands of years for this settlement develop into the proud seaport it became when it was finally overwhelmed. Spence notes that although Carthage may have been built after Plato's day the actual layout plan was in existence in Plato's day, and probably for some time?

The outermost stretch of land canal beyond the third zone of water where stood the sea-gate entrance into the sea, facing the present south-western slopes of the southern Atlas Range of Mountains. We are told that when this intricate layout of that Atlantis Citadel was first layed out ships and voyages were yet unknown? The answer of its original reason was so that, "no man could get to the island", meaning the innermost mass of land which by these waterways had become in fact an island.

A tabulation of the preceding details gives the result:

Innermost water zone…………………….603 English feet

Innermost land zone…………………….1206

Second water zone……………………...1206

Second land zone……………………...1808

Outermost water zone……………… .1808

The total is just under one and a quarter miles in all: adding the six miles of canal between the outer water zone and the coast proper, we have a distance of seven and a quarter miles between the sea and the central island with the palace temple.

Because the Plato account and the Carthage Empire are so close in time we might be inclined to think of that old expression "Delanda est Carthago". Returning to Critias story:

"The island in which the palace stood had a diameter of 3013 English feet, (which means a circumference of over a mile and a half). This and the zone and the bridge, which was a hundred feet wide, they surrounded by a stone wall on either side, placing towers and gates on the bridges where the sea passed in. The stones used for this work they got from under the central island, and also from under the zones on the outer as also on the inner side. One kind of stone was white, another black, and a third red: and as they quarried, they at the same time hollowed out docks, double within, having roofs formed of natural rock. Some of their buildings were plain, yet in others they placed together different stones that intermingled for ornamental purposes, to be admired. The whole circumference of the wall which went round the central zone of all, they covered with a coating of brass, and the circuit of the next wall they covered with tin, and the third wall which went round the citadel flashed with thew light reddishness of orchalkum. The palace in the interior of the citadel were constructed as follows: in the midst of all stood a sacred temple, dedicated to Cleito and Poseidon, which remained inaccessible and was surrounded by an enclosure of gold: this was the spot which the Atlanteans annually brought fruits of the earth in their season, from all ten divisions, and offered up sacrifices to each of them. Here, too, was the temple of Poseidon, with a length of 603 feet and 301 in width, and a proportionate height, splendidly ornamented. All the outside of the temples, except the pinnacles, they covered with silver, and the pinnacles with gold. The interior the roof was of ivory, ornamented everywhere with gold and silver and orchalkum: all the other parts of the walls, pillars and floor they lined with orchalkum."

The tarnishing of some of these metals would employed a large group of people alone to polish the floors constantly, unless it was layered with melted amber like a Lucite type resin???

The narrative goes on with what was in the temples:

Statue of Gold-God standing on a charioteer of six winged horses, and of size that touched the roof with his head, around him were hundred nereids riding on dolphins which for such was considered their number in those days.

Other statues of private people offered and placed by them.

Round the outside of temple the ten kings and their wives, and other offerings form foreign kingdoms and individuals.

An Altar included which in size and execution corresponded to the rest of the work.

Other temples to the greatness of the kingdom, and glory of the temple.

Fountains of cold and hot springs affording the excellence of their source of water, many of them.

Constructed buildings with groves of trees, also cisterns, some of which opened to the heavens, others roofed over, used in winter as baths. King's baths, private baths, and baths kept separate for women and others for horses and cattle.

Apart form Greece and Rome, the only other empire of any antiquity, that observed this same custom as the Atlanteans in erecting statues of their deities and monarchs, was Peru, where the Incas and their wives were represented in the temples of the Sun and the Moon at Cuzco: and Plato's reference to the golden statues of the ten Atlantean kings and their wives is exactly paralleled by Prescott's accounts of the Peruvian golden statues. And Donnelly, as all that have read his "Atlantis" are aware, considered Peru the westernmost province of the Island Empire whose seaport and capital city we are now considering.

Poseidon and Hermes are patrons deities of the sea affairs and maritime trading: yet the former was worshipped in Atlanteans and Phoenicians, the latter is replaced among the Tyrians, Sidonians and Carthaginians by blood thirsty and ferocious Melkhart or Hercules, the biblical Moloch. Old temple of Poseidon we have also totem animals, the horse, which he, or rather some of his votaries, may first have introduced to the Athenians of Pre-History. One invading group of Atlanteans may have left their horses behind after Athens defeated them on land in Greece? It is only natural that Poseidon's dolphins

, from whom the heir apparent to the throne of France may have derived his name of Dauphin, along with the sea-nymphs, like Tritons, have been seals?

The location of the mountains near the citadel may be termed as south-west Morocco, the point being Atlas carried the world from the one he lost of his former dominions, and the capital city may have slipped into the old Sahara Sea which then was washing these coasts. Others suggest the city is lost in Western Morocco. Not still clear if it was the northwestern region of Morocco Atlas Mt. Chain or the southwestern portion to the Sahara Sea? Some have reported ruins in the extreme southern regions of Algeria and Morocco which were thought to be roman, but Romans were not as far as we know to venture too south into these regions. According to Braghine and Bilau considers the capital of Atlantis was situated in one of the islands of the Azores.

They used aqueducts to carry away water away from the groves unused on top of the canal bridges toward other temple areas in the other zones.

In the middle land zone there was a racecourse (sometimes said to be similar to the one on Rhodes later) that was 603 feet in width and for length extended around the island. The lesser-trusted guards had garrisons to the outer posts and the inner acropolis the most trusted guards. The docks were full of triremes and naval stores and all things were quite ready for use.

As far as the harbor edges wall: this was everywhere about five miles, five and a half furlongs from the largest zone and harbor, and enclosed them all, meeting at the opening of the canals toward the sea, and the entire space was densely crowed with houses, and the canal and the largest harbor were full of vessels and merchants from all parts. Carthage in Plato's day was the only site that had anything close to these descriptions, even then on a smaller scale. The grove of Poseidon maybe the fabled gardens of Hesperides where the golden apple, women and booty were taken at some point when his kingdom was breached (Atlas war with Busiris?) was taken by story from Spain to Greece, or Egypt. Beneath all Greek Myths there is a substratum of historical fact. One almost gets the impression Poseidon was a prisoner within his own place, and that with his guards he being almost an earth god could never leave without his subjects made aware first. The ship type used by Atlantis in the Trireme form is noted as a type of galley first built in Corinth, whose root goes back to 2,098 B.C.. There was also the Egyptian and Phoenician Galleys of fairly great size back to the 2nd Dynasty of Egypt?

Webmaster Note- It would seem that if one were to build such an elaborate canal zone that took the Panama canal all the forces of 1900's machinery, why in the this Plato Atlantis story there could not have been great ships at 9,000 B.C.. For if the one is true, then the other would simply is the progression of tall trees being used for boats i.e. a tree like the Cedar. If hollowed out and like in some cases the Polynesian style boat catamaran it would be a level and fast barge that could take on some great weight like stone. The fact they adorn metal on temples, how fast would they not adorn their ships with metal sheets? If they had canals the size said there is no reason to think they could have boats as large as our 18th century clippers. Other wise there would be no reason to build the canal zone bridge ways as high as they did for the issue of tall sails, almost space for a plane to easily go through with out complication. The other reason is that a balloon needs great space to enter controlled wise through the canal let us says of mammoth hide, another way to lift stone? The historical evidence is wanting, but if the story were true so is the technology greater then Solon's depictions gave. There is also another hint I have not had an author to my recollection address. The hundred nereids is very important in reference to atlantean sub-divisions of land. In Egypt, and in the times of the Vikings a Hid, or House often had its associated 'Hundred', or 'Hundare'. The nereids are a representation of the extension of Poseidon's Kingdom which may have been divided into Nereids by name. Merritt was the Egyptian Goddess of Isis and Nephthys who the Phoenicians revered and was connected by coin to the Phoenician flip side of her with a representation of Horus-Osiris, and in some cases of a Phocia, or Seal like Poseidon's dolphins?

The Nereids ride the dolphins because they are the kingdoms they control, almost as if the Mereids are Poseidon's 'beloved children' who like the name Nymph (Nemphthys) are priestesses who control the hundreds of hides, or houses of-seal. Why the Nymph and the Seal always appear near seal rookeries is not a mystery in light of this. It is they that Hercules later went after. The notion of inundation is very closely connected to the nereids like merritts and implies the staking out of marshy, or gasso like regions

As well as spots where in a delta a seal might frequent. A Hundred in a sense would be to an Atlantean something of the size of or a part of a delta. We may also see that the 603 feet, 1206, and the 1808 measurements has a pattern- 1x603, 2x603 and 3x603, for the outer rings. Yet, the third is not exact for a reason being not 1808, but 1809. This implies that the 603 and the 1206 combined are not exact, not numerically speaking but off when combined with 1808 by 1. The racetrack in the middle zone is a part of that mystery. The track was 603 as if it where the standard of the measurement. The racetrack is about the course of the Milky Way and the whole of the night sky, especially in regards to the processional equatorial equinoxes of the Zodiac as the race track of ages, i.e. 603? From the position to the viewer on the earth's curvature looking toward the expression found in the night sky the procession is off by a small margin. In a sense they are saying i.e. the Atlanteans we know the earth is not flat and we know the earth is a little oblong. They account for this in the outer most zone, which would be likened to our idea of the equator which they know also repeats in the south. The progression also of Pi1, Pi2, and Pi3 is implied but number wise would not come out the same, yet they kept the integrity of of that idea of a progression, as if a half biosphere covered the whole of the island in a map making sense. This reflecting the night sky over them, which is why the temples did have domes with the stars mapped on them? We do have some vague notion also that they were making some connection with these circles with the solar days and system. The towers, which like obelisks, would mark on the edges of the canals, and in such a circumstance would want to measure the incoming tide datelines. Lastly, if we were to take the equator to the pole and looked at it we will see the smallest zone is first, the second from the pole to Atlantis is the second and the third was that to the equator terms of its kingdom. The mystery of the rape and loss of all or one of the Pleiades (Hes-Preiades, and Hy-Brides) is more than just a woman taken away. It is a constellation that this middle Citadel emulated in symbology. Though evidence for a explosion that occurred in that star system explains one aspect of the tale, the fact is that the Pleiades are circumpolar presently at latitude 63' on earth, meaning they do not set on the horizon. The Azores are approximately around latitude 40' which shows a 23 degree difference between locations. But, 11,000 B.C. the Pleiades were not in the same position they are now and were almost 5-7 degrees more south at 55-57 degrees latitude turning circumpolar. This degree difference is now 15 degrees at 11,000 B.C. from Azores to the Pleiades non-resting status. It only took a shift of a pole, or 2,000 years ( or 8,000 B.C.) for the Pleiades to no longer be circumpolar and not far above the Azores region. It would seem a earth tilt of 10 degrees southward would change this whole matter for the Azores, and change the equators position. Does this seem to mean that if you stood in Poseidon's backyard and the Pleiades (at that ancient time) would appear as if they were just on the horizon aligned with earth's horizon as marking your spot and garden (as if a golden apple that fell from the tree). And that it would not inspire you enough to call it the 'land of apples', and not of its brides? When the daughters and the constellation were stolen into the horizon did it mark the plot in the play of Pleiades own star system setting under the horizon, like Poseidon's kingdom latter? The significance that the other daughters remained secure, but one did not explains the partial submersion before the whole group was stolen below the sea and horizon? It would seem that the kingdom of Lyonesse that the British talk about is pretty close to the loss Poseidon latter honors just north of the Azores. Plus, the Pleiades do mark the beginning and what used to be the end of the zodiac between Aries and Taurus and not Pisces and Aries, which occurred, latter. Was the finish line of that track on Atlantis middle zone rewarded with a Pleiades Bride offering one of Poseidon's Pleiades apples? If so, the Dog and Orion were not far behind, because with hunting that was another ceremonial sport. The fact that Jason had to wrestle with a Stag-Bull connected with the fleece, one gets the notion is was over the Pleiades for Aries and the Stag-Bull Taurus are protecting it not just the fleece but its tree that bore gold apples. There are no doubt those boats racing or encircling the moats between may have been sport hunting, in closed conditions even seals. They were playing out a celestial ritual and no doubt for Pleiades the festival would have been around May 15th-25th for the race which was the holiday of their idea of Mayday combined with summer solstice as the mid-point for the zodiac race. We may want to take look and see that within Pl-eiades name shows that at one time it was a larger constellation, because in Taurus there is a set of stars called the Hyades, and who where they like the island of Haiti? Clarke 2001.

Observations sur l'Atlantide Quartinaire, by Nicolas de Ascanio

M de Ascanio after careful study of the rock formations of Tenerife came to the conclusion that while the basalt rock foundation of the island of Tenerife had been formed in the open air, and the upper layers of 'tosca' a volcanic product had been formed beneath the sea, thus showing that the island had been submerged in some disaster and had subsequently reappeared. The other islands of the Canaries offer similar evidence. The point noted is that underneath this 'tosca' have been found pottery in both Tenerife and Grand Canary, a mortar and a fragment of human jawbone on Tenerife and various other objects including a fragment of burnt wood showing axe or instrument markings, pieces of pottery and vases, etc. All of these were discovered by women digging tunnels or shafts for mining or for water supply and could not have been put there by Guanches, the post diluviand inhabitants of the islands. The sites include the Kreitz Mine Shaft. The names of the owners of these various fragments are given together with attestations as to their being possible that the situation has changed since then. However. This was thirty years ago and it is possible that the situation has changed since then. However, if anybody desires to investigate these finds we shall be most pleased to give further details.

The picture on article shows that the find was 20 feet below sea level in mining area and into volcanic debris.

A Note on the Canary Islands written in 1796, from Miss B.B. Hutchinson of Nairobi

The Modern Universal Gazetter; or a General View of the several Nations of the World. Containing five chapters, by Mr. Salmon. Embellished with a new set of maps. London printed for W. cavil, T. Martin, T. French, and J. Wren. MDCCXCV and the owners date , 1815.

Canary Grand or Proper, which gives its name to the rest, is sit. In 15 deg. 50 min of w.lon. and between 27 and 28 degrees of N. Lat. And is about 120 m. in circumference; the chief town Palm, from whence comes the excellent palm sack we meet with; for chief produce of these islands are those rich wines, which from them have obtained the name of Canary wines, and of these 'tis computed 10,000 hogsheads are sent annually to Britain in time of peace. They may be well called the Fortunate Islands also, from the pureness and temperateness of the air, which in this warm climate, is constantly refreshed with cool breezes. They were first discovered by the Carthaginians, but lay concealed afterwards for many ages form the rest of the world, till they were again discovered anno 1405, by the Spaniards who remain in possession of them at this day. There were then some people on these islands, but could not tell which was their mother-country, or indeed whether there were any other countries; nor did their language, manners or customs, resemble their any other part of the world; but they were of an olive complexion, like the people on the coast of Barbary in Africa

Lost Atlantis (Part 7 skipped for Part 8 used instead, Bryant) and Butavand's Atlantis, by E. Sykes 1955




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