A Possible Egyptian Time Scale, by Paul Hoffman

A Possible Egyptian Time Scale, by Paul Hoffman

A point, which seems to have escaped attention in the past history of Egypt, is the nature of the link between that country and Atlantis. We have no idea whether the contact was made in the pre-cataclysm period when the Atlanteans were colonizing the Mediterranean basin, whether the Nile Valley was invaded when the disaster was already beginning, or whether it occurred in the post-diluvial period when a few refugees managed to reach Egypt.

He puts forward that a hypothetical time scale based on Egyptian reverences, which he describes, as speculative, but without this beginning no solution is likely to be reached.

We know but little about prehistoric-i.e. Stone age-man in Egypt. Recent discoveries show a population of a similar state of development in the same period in other parts of the world, having the almost universal belief in the immortality of the soul, as shown by the furnishings of their tombs with the necessities of daily life. There is nothing to indicate the sudden rise to civilization higher than any other in antiquity.

A recent writer, G. Howardy, says: "The latest excavations have yielded important contributions to the solution of the question as to what population inhabited the Nile Valley. Many things seem to indicate that a foreign race, perhaps semitic, invaded the Nile Valley, bringing with them embalming, which was unknown in prehistoric times… a new burial custom of placing the corpses on their backs in a stretched out position, a method unknown in earlier ages. Furthermore the Egyptian Religion is composed of such contradictory ideas that the only likely explanation is that they originated in different races.

We can say with some confidence that the invaders of the Nile Valley were the Atlanteans. As to the burial customs, it should be recollected that although they varied widely between the different peoples influenced by Atlantis, some form of embalming is always to be found, and although it became more developed in Egypt than in other parts of the world, the common source is an essential factor.

Note: from Webmaster see the website on 9,000 year Mummys in South America- search or click here

Scientists have sought in vain for some reason for the sudden upward spurt of the Egyptians from barbarism to culture. The missing link is to be found in the Hoerbiger Theory, which visualizes the peoples of the sinking tropical islands migrating to safer lands as the moon drew nearer. The possibility that Egypt also had a migration from Atlantis is supported by the story that the Nile Valley was closed to the world, which may have been due to a realization that it could-under existing conditions-only support a limited population, and that survival depended on restricted immigration.

That Egypt was a sovereign state is supported by the statement in the article on the Schliemann Mystery in Atlantis Vol. IV, No. 5 that Taaut or Thoth escaped to Egypt and built a temple at Sais. If this had not been the case, it would have been impossible for Taaut to settle down under his own name.

Sun worship may well have been brought in by the Atlanteans; it is possible that their enthusiasm for it may have arisen from the fact that it had been endangered by the defection of some of them, and it was necessary to re-establish it.

Note from Webmaster if you to the A.R.E. website on atlantis topics you will see Cayce references to this point, which this writer Hoffman was not familiar with? Click here

As Luna drew nearer, it became obvious that the land of Egypt was in grave danger, and the inhabitants set to work to build the Great Pyramid Khufu and probably also the second pyramid Chefren. As has been pointed out in the previous article (Atlantis, Vol. IV, No. 6) these pyramids were used as temples for the sun god and as chambers of initiation. The demand of King Surid that his soothsayers, "examine the position of the stars and see if anything new is going to happen" may well point directly to the approaching planet.

Note from Webmaster even though Hoerbiger felt it a planet, it is no reason to rule out a asteroid or some kind of a spin off satellite left over from a broken up planet, or comet? The idea same.

The name of Khufu found in the Great Pyramid, may have been that of the pre-diluvial constructor, the fact that it was also that of a fourth Dynasty ruler, does not of itself prove anything, since names of rulers tend to be repeated in all countries even after long periods. The name Khnum or Khnemu, of one of the earliest Egyptian Gods, may well be related to Khufu.

Note from Webmaster-There is some evidence for this notion in Egyptian writings in close association of Khufu and Khnemu, as well as Khufu's older name Suphid. Both names refer to a dying (star) sun god 'ufu', and 'nemu' as an old 'bull' which Suphi like Sapi refers to Hapi the bull god of Sais and Nile? The Dogon refer to Nemu as a name of the Sirius being, or creature that landed in Lybia-Algeria? The antiquity is very clear, so also the names before 5,000 B.C.. and pyramids supposed building period or idea? The dying sun god was vogue in Khufu's day who partially replaced the older story with his own elaborated god names.

According to Al Beruni, the catastrophe came in its due time, and half covered the pyramids, but, perhaps to the surprise of the pyramid builders, the flood did not completely devastate Egypt, which may only have decreased somewhat in size as suggested by Bellamy's "Atlantis Myth", p. 97, and by the Priests of Sais in speaking to Solon. It may well have been the same people who opened them up as those who had closed them, which would explain the continuity of ceremonial.

Rulers History Date

Primitive Tribes Atlantean Colonisation 13,000 B.C.

Sahluk, Surid, 12,500 B.C.

Khnum or Khufu Building of Pyramids 12,000 B.C.

Atlantean Dynasties--

Osiris, Horus The capture cataclysm 11,600 B.C.

Most of the Egyptian Gods ruled at this time 11,000 B.C.

To 3,400 B.C.

1st Dynasty--

Scorpian and Menes The revolution 3,300 B.C.

4th Dynasty--

Khufu Final closing of Pyramids 2,690 B.C.

When Manetho says that menes was the first man to rule over Egypt, we may take this to mean that he was the first aboriginal king. In Turrah, near Ciaro, Herman Junker dug up in 1909-10 a series of prehistoric tombs from the 1st Dynasty, in which were found the names of Den, Mersen, and others. One piece was marked King Scorpian, who is usually considered as King proceeding Menes. As Manetho places him in epoch of the gods he must have been the last Atlantean ruler.

The long period of time during the Atlantean Dynasties lasted, over seven thousand years, may perhaps be explained by the relative barbarism of the rest of the world after the lunar capture, and the fact that Egypt was cut off from the rest of the world by stretches of arid land to the east and west. A parallel case has been the hold of the Vedic tribes have had over India for about the same length of time, and the fact that conquered aborigines are still suffering from exclusion as pariahs from the caste system.

This assumption is confirmed to some extent by the reported statement of Manetho in the Papyrus found by Schliemann in the Petrograd Museum, to the effect that the reign of the Sages of Atlantis had lasted 13,000 years. The fact that the Atlantean forbears were regarded as gods scarcely suprising, as Greeks appear to have done the same.

An interesting point arises from the names of the Egyptian rulers, each of which had five different names from the 10th or 11th Dynasties onwards. One of these was the "RA" name, showing that he was a son of the sun god; then came his "Horus" name, presumably giving him the right as a descendant of Horus to rule over Upper and Lower Egypt and to wear the Double Crown. Here it may be interposed that Spence in his History of Atlantis, mentions the connection between the Amazon Queen and Horus as the King of Egypt.

Osiris was a god of Abydos, where many of the oldest rulers and nobles are buried. Here he was known as "He from the West" i.e., from Atlantis, although the orthodox interpretation

"He from the land of the dead" may also be correct, since the Greeks placed their Hades in the Far West, for not only did the sun die in the ocean beyond the Pillars of Hercules, but this realm had seen the greatest destruction of mankind at the time of the cataclysm, and therefore anything associated with it had an aroma of death.

It seems possible that Abydos was the capital city of Osiris, or even his burial place. Amelineau working 1895-99, found in the Hills of Um el Gaab, tombs which may have been those of Osiris and of Horus and Set. Further investigations at Abydos may well bring important results.

From this period there is a gap until we come to Cheops who reigned in the 4th Dynasty. As mentioned above, his name "Khufu," was probably also that of the original pyramid builder. It seems sure that it was he who blocked up the entrance to the pyramid, using for that purpose the very granite plug, which had been used during the Deluge. Why he closed the entrance is not clear. He may have broken away from the worship of the sun, or he may have shut up the temples to preserve them from profanation. However, it remains reasonably certain that in true Atlantean custom, he did not use the pyramid as his burial place.

Webmaster explanation of the closing of Pyramid- There are three reasons that are possible and based on historical writings about it.

1. The Priests of Ra-Tem (Setting Sun worshippers) had become economically very powerful in Khufu's day, and Khufu was on semi friendly terms with them. Khufu was starting a very different solar emphasis on the Rising Sun which the Fifth Dynasty exploited in the form of Ra-Benu in a more resurrecting god and in some ways was much older. Because early Thoth Ra-Bennu became very connected with Twin Worship of the preceding age i.e. Orion and Gemini it instituted separate powers between King and Priests and was designed to keep a wedge politically between Religious and Royal lines as limited intermarriage. The conflict was more than a political argument it was a spiritual argument since Egypt was not just looking at the West but also to the economics more in the East to colonize or convert worshippers for a powerful king. Pyramid was closed for a agenda, and the passing of an older god whose stars began to not reflect the social changes. It explains why the stars had to be placed by design within the pyramid not above it and later in tombs? At this time the Osiris worshippers were trying to emphasize Abydos, more than the pyramids for their commoner religion or their priest temples i.e. cult of the dead. It was a immortality crises period and questions of the states lineage. This setup what had happened latter in the 12th Dynasty with the reconciliation of religions which ironically came from Sudan as the East was conquered i.e. India, Indonesia, and China by colonies of Egypt in a more complete form.

2. The period of Cheops had a concern of over flooding which put exceeding pressure on the preservation of the chambers and tunnels of the Giza complex, it was noted at Cheops own laboratory canal and channel made home not far from Giza via Nilometer studies. The symbology of the Age or Taurus and Alderbaran as the rushing Bull about the Niles over flooding is significant at this time in mythology and by name Nam-Ur, and Nga-Ra.

3. The Temple at Giza had been moved and the old religion for preservation purposes had to be secured, it implies that there was hurry by the methods. Some potential threat of either secret disclosure to a outsider and invaders influence, or the sect had to move from the area to another religious center. If Cheops ordered this occurrence it can be only in two forms: 1. To have credit for the disassembly of the religious order symbolically, yet allowing for exodus or underground religious expression to continue. 2. By way of a dream that portended the need for the protection of the secret information from a icon figure like the Sphinx, and that it asked to close the chambers till it would be needed again.

The explanations I give only deepen the mystery and may have reflected one over all picture that the Atlantean Gods and their celestial ages had passed as well as the line of Priests that controlled Egypt, and some how the age of corrupt kings was dawning and denied the secret truths.

Some vague examples:

The Magician Teti who was connected with the Thoth Sanctuary could re-attach the body and head after severed to live again, and showed it in front of Khufu. This shows Khufu's interest in magic? The fact the magician preferred a goose over a person for this trick, a Abydos religious signature? He was also a fortuneteller, and that a lion would follow him without a line and follow by him, which brings up the Sphinx question?

This leads to the next conclusion, Bast, "Lady of the East" is popular not far from Giza, but Thebes at this time began to be hostile about this cult, she was connected with Ra-Tem of Giza and had a worshipping clan called the 'Mayo' who were indirectly connected with the Sanctuary of Thoth? Cheops connections involved the Neith like cult of Sais, or 'Lady of the West'. It appears to be a imposed compromise occurred to force the Mayo out toward the east as potential political competition, and for Cheops to focus more on the riches of the West without them (Mayo) knowing his full intensions for the control of metals and stone.

And here is the point: from Herodotus (II 124-26) "Now, they told me, that to the reign of Rhampsinitus there was a perfect distribution of justice, and that all Egypt was in a high state of properity; but that after him Cheops, coming to reign over them, plunged into every kind of wickedness. For that, having shut up all the temples, he first of all forbade them to offer sacrifice, and afterwards ordered all the Egyptians to work for himself; some, accordingly, were appointed to draw stones from quarries in the Arabian mountain down to the Nile, others he ordered to receive the stones when transported in vessels across the river, and to drag them to the mountain called, the Lybian. The rest of this may have been conjecture for the man who read the information to Herodotus did not know completely how to read Egyptian ancient script and has come down to us 'for the explanation of the pyramid as being Cheop's' as one of the greatest literary forgeries.

The part about Cheops being into more magic and controlling the people interests is non-contested, it would seem that he could have ordered the pyramid as out of control over a particular sect that seemed to not let Cheops into their circle or secret. It was clear he was not an Osiris King, and this haunts Kephren's reign later in form of minor revolts abroad and at home. I do not question their contribution to pyramid lore, but question them as in any way to be the true authors of the pyramids first made in Giza? For if Cheops was closing temples, why then would he bother to build a project the people would only resent him for, and would not be able to pull off without tremendous strife. If you are closing temples it is more likely you are claiming the ones you made when you never did. In a sense an inheritance claim, made by a decree you made before you were born because you’re the sun god? This is how science has been historically fooled, not to mention the petrified sea salt on the pyramid walls not worth looking at (not from blown in sea salt air either)? Sinc. D. Clarke

Snorre Sturlasson and Atlantis, by Paul Hoffman beginning of 1953

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