Lost Atlantis (part 4) Bryant, by Egerton Sykes

The younger to Atlas was given the Kingdom of Pillars of Hercules region according to Critias the younger, and a country still called (470-400 B.C.) Land of Gades. Poseidon gave him the name of Eumelos given to us in Hellenic tongue, but in the country named after him Gadeiros. The division of the brother's kingdom Atlas got within the Southern Regions of Morocco, and Gadeiros the region towards and within the Iberian Peninsula. His dominion connected with the Peninsula and a capital at the extremity. Also, the term Land of Gadei, as Solon calls it Gadetania. It probably corresponded in form to the Cornwall and Devon In England, or to Brittany, France. Then the capital may have been a seaport on the sea shore: and so we can only suppose that Andalusia at that time lay beneath the sea that washed the mountain slopes of Granada- and thus the Pillars of Hercules had not been thrown up from the depths. This is the only location known that gives identity and location. It clearly shows Gadeir-os, the -os being a common Hellenic suffix, was the Atlantean form: and components of its Hellenic form, Eumelos, have been traced to an identification of one of the ten original divisions of the empire of Atlantis. Melos is Greek meaning 'Black' based on the swarthiness of the most ancient district of Spain, still existing and indeed heightened by an infusion of Arab Moorish blood from Mauritania, or else to color of the wool of the famous Merino sheep, which are understood to have originated here. Cadiz occupies a part of the site of the ancient Gades of Plato's narrative, Phoenicians use it as an entry port in their trade with Tyre, Sidon, and Carthage. The historical date of city founding is 1,170 B.C., but existed as a port of call for mariners if it was indeed a Atlantean City. The city was built across from this loaction from Europe and Africa, probably joined where we now find the Pillars of Hercules. Due to the subsiding from earthquakes and other forces the region of Gades, and the Capital of Eumelos are lost. Cadiz was thrown up along with the Granada Mountains southern slopes as the sea retracted: for a time it formed island eastwards of Atlantis and was gradually joined to the new mainland of Spain. The present City of Cadiz is really situated on an island. The same chain of events effected Lisbon. Portugal and Spain are still showing volcanic activities and the peninsula maybe rising. Lisbon and Cadiz were two prominent headlands on the eastern coast of the main island of Atlantis, which may have been the most important sea-ports while they faced the south-west, the capital city proper of King Atlas, at the same time a comparatively hidden seaport, faced then-existing island of Mauritania, washed on its western shores by the Atlantean ocean, on its south by the Sahara Sea, and on its northern and eastern coasts by the waters of the Middle Sea, our Mediterranean, which divided from Lake Tritonis and the Sahara Sea by very narrow necks of land. Spain is indeed very bare of archaeological remains previous to the irruption of the Basques, Iberes and others of the earlier races of Neolithic men: only the extreme southern regions seem to have been colonized by the Phoenicians. Gadeir may be the original name from Atlantean times when the aboriginal people mentioned the name to Phoenicians. The word 'gaddir' means 'hedges' used by the aborigines to guard themselves or their flocks and herds from attack. The possible true Phoenician name was this location was Tartessos or Tarshis, but has been used in many other locations so for now disregarded. It may have been Gades, 25 miles from the Pillars of Hercules where Geyron lived and kept his herds of cattle and flocks of sheep. In Greek myths he had three bodies and three heads. Hercules ninth labor was to kill him and by so received the name Gadetani. May have been a Atlantean Chieftain, or shepherd king, ruling three pastoral tribes of uncouth, uncultivated people, and an easy prey for the brutal Hercules and his gang! The second pair of twins born to Poseidon and Cleito we read that the father "called one Ampheres and the other Evaemon." It seems their territory was a region lain north of the site of Lisbon and thus been the lost land of Lyonesse. The third pair of twins he gave the name Mnessos to the elder Autochton who followed as the younger twin.

In Greek, "self-born or persons originating locally in very regions in which we will find them" in other words, such as have never left their native soil! It is difficult to see where these locations are but one clue is that it represents agricultural then maritime population. The whole eastern side was given to Atlas, his brother Gadeiros and others. To the fourth pair of twins the names of Elasippos, and the younger Mestor. The Hellenic tongue gives some clues to their geographic identity. Elasippos resembles the capital city of Portugal and also to the cult hero Ulysses, Trojan War. We find the Greek names of Ypsilon and Upsilon, and Greek family name of Ypsilanti as from Phoenicia and Greece by way of trade from spoken Atlantean tongue. The voyages of Ulysses it may be considered possible that he arrived at the estuary of Tagus in a ship called the Horse or Elas, or Greek Horse, for a while he stayed there, forming a settlement named after him: we have it on Solon's own authority that the meaning of the Elasippos in Greek was the same as its Atlantean equivalent, and we also know that for the Greeks the horse was associated with sea and its lord, Poseidon. It became his totem animal, and he was often depicted sitting in a conch shell for a chariot, with horses to draw it: and this creature was sacrificed to him on many of the altars of antiquity. It is likely there was several successive sites of modern Lisbon: and as with most famous cities, it has either had one foundation built upon another or else has disappeared in some convulsion to make room for a later city: but the original first foundation of the city of Lisbon long ago sank into the waters of the Atlantic washing the shores of the present-day Portugal. It appears probable that this region of Portugal, together with Gades to its southeast, lay on the eastern side of the Island of Atlantis. Mestor, we have tracing with difficulty his location, the Greek name is appearing later in time connected with Troy, Argos and the coasts of Palestine. Egypt, as far as known was not completely conquered by Atlanteans and may not be Mestor's region. The fifth pair of twins he gave the elder the name of Azaes, and to the younger, Diaprepes. All these inhabitants and rulers of various islands in the open sea, and also, as has been stated, and held power in other directions over the countries within the Pillar of Heracles as far as Egypt and Tyrrhenia." We may infer the Islands of Madeiras the Canaries, Cape Verde and even the far more westerly Antilles of the Gulf of Mexico-

Bearing in mind that the Azores were once part of the mainland of the island of Atlantis itself. The rise of the empire was before the Straits of Gibralter had been formed, and latter convulsion boosted both Mount Colpe and Mount Abila to its present position. Mauritania at that time may have been a separate territory, the previously existing Sahara Sea rushing out into the Atlantic on its southern shores and into the Mediterranean on its northern side, carrying away with it Lake Tritonis. We shall find that the Sargasso Sea covers for its greater extent both the extreme westerly coasts of the Island of Atlantis and its more central parts. Also, the Sargasso weeds where progressive from what was once an inlet sized lake. It is almost certain that the mountainous regions of the island lay on its eastern side, "which sloped precipitously into the Atlantic from the western littoral of Africa below Cape Blanco, if not further south": consequently they can be identified with the Atlas Range of North-West Africa. (Pg.55 missing). Legend, however, connects Gades, which was situated on the small Isle De Leon in the river of Guadalquiver, an important centre of Phoenician commerce, with the mythical island of Erythia an island which "lay in the west under the rays of the setting sun". This Island, associated with Hercules and the oxen Geryon, though later identified by Strabo and others as Gades itself, may have been

either a part of Atlantis or another elevation in the estuary of the Guadalquiver, then much longer than at present, and formed an Atlantean colonial outpost. The existence of a prehistoric road running from Cadiz to Liguria, according to Mrs. Whishaw, lends some support to this hypothesis. Absense of Atlantis remains due to catastrophe leaves little if just folk-memory.

Bellamy gives the following alternative interpretations: Ampheres-One who encompasses; Evaemon- One who discerns; Autochon-One who springs from the soil.

Donnelly refers to a Semetic God named Mneseus-The Meditator (Mediterranean?). Elasippos he calls a horse driver. Maybe name symbol of a tribe, referring to the mainland introduction of Atlantean introduced horses, or seals? Smith gives Mestor as the name of four mythical personages, another source says this was the name of one of the sons of Perseus, who may have had an Atlantean origin. The name resembles that of the first of the Egyptian Canopic Gods: Mesti or Mestha.

Budge translates Azaes as "the Parched one", which gives it a desert or arid region origin. Diaprepes, he translates as : The Shinning One. (a term for Osiris, and Isis)

Webmasters Note- The Azaes having a name like the Azores which does have a arid aspect to some of those Islands. The Mesti has a much longer history then this for Mestor which has the 'Sons of Horus' identifications in Egypt, or Mesti-Hr i.e. 'Blacksmiths of Horus' who were Harpooners?? Also, the early

Hittites had been in the region and called Cadiz in a variant of 'Katta'-es, and shows the earlier reason of why the Egyptians called Quet-s a kind of very early Cat-Goddess almost contemporary with Bast, and may have been a fisherman's temple for protection at Sea. Implying an even earlier form. Some forms of Quetzalcoatl has the Basque like name of a Cat-Salt-Water, as being instead of a serpent with wings (Mexico), but a cat with a seal (with whiskers earlier horse?) or fish body (Basque). The serpent may in fact be even earlier as a motif due to a creature like a cat might later in religion overcome. The flying snake as the kind found in S. America, or Africa had the mystical association like flying fish would to a fisherman. The snake and fish have scales! Quetzal, however, had some other associations with the Hoatzal Bird. Quetzalcoatl we can see now has rainbow plumes is a Rainbow or Rain God meaning and that combined with the Sea Serpent with Wings is a story about also the introduction of (fire) cooked- food (Lightning); as opposed to raw-gathering-food myths, that came with new cultivation practices. What the Cat has in common is it was a Fire Cult also that underlies the serpents own wings of fire?

To the North American Indians they eat their horses or became extinct, and converted the horse with the body of a seal into a cat with a seal body like the kind found in Lake Michigan region art?

The Harbour of Nan Matal (Metalanim-Ponape), by F.W. Christian go to the list for 1954 begins, 'The Caroline Islands' ed. E. Sykes

(for divers of Team Atlantis.com to review Ponape link, what about this harbor that is just as early?)



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