1966 Begins

Two Important Discoveries in Atlantology, By Egerton Sykes 1966

At the beginning of April a report was published in the London Press to the effect that a certain Professor Menies, an American oceanographer, working off the coast of Peru, took a series of some 400 underwater photographs at a depth of 750 fathoms or 1500 yards, out of which four stone pillars bearing glyphs and drawings and obviously man made. Whether the glyphs were some form of writing is not know at this stage as my inquiries have failed so far to produce copies of the photographs. Any additional information from readers would be welcomed. The other discovery was made by Professor Manson Valentine of New York who has unearthed a cache of sophisticated artifacts of possible Atlantean origin ten feet below the surface of Gonava Island off Haiti. The fact that the island is famous for guano deposits may possibly explain why the relics have remained undisturbed. The only other reference to Haiti which I can trace is in a book by the French writer M.E. Descourtilz, whose "Voyages d' un Naturalist en Haiti", published in Paris in 1803, described a temple in a cave with drawings and has a relief's of gods and ceremonies on the walls. As there has been hardly any archaeological research on the island during the past century and a half it is quite possible that this cave is still in existence. It is a pity that the discovery of Dr. Menzies did not take place in the Atlantic, but at least it proves a point which I have been making for years, that stone artifacts are unlikely to be damaged by submersion.

Atlantis in France, E. Sykes an outline

Count Byron de Prorok -Sahara expeditions

Paul le Cour and Roger Devigne Society for Investigation In the Atlantis Problem

Le Cour organization was 'Les Amis d'Atlantis, survived after his death as bi-monthly magazine called 'Atlantis' afterwards by that time subjects mostly about the shadowy Celtic mysticism past. Up to 1966 they only published one time the subject of Atlantis in article form since 1951.

"The result of this has been that, for practical purposes, there has been no research into Atlantis since the end of the war. I am well aware that several books have been published incorporating the word Atlantis in their titles, but this does not of itself imply very much."

Sykes felt one of the rays of hope in France was Mr. C.C. Hardy, who lives in Paris, one of the earliest members of our organization, who is interested in the factual presentation of the subject. Apart from that I have just heard from a French Priest who has been studying the subject for years and who is visiting England in May (1966) I also have the son of some American friends in New York who is now a student in Paris and shows considerable interest. Perhaps we may yet manage to revive the dormant interest In Atlantis in France. "Que sera, sera." E.S.

A prelude to a restatement of the question, By E. Sykes 1966

In 1949 my revised edition of Donnelly's book on Atlantis was published in New York and London. However, in the intervening years, much has been discovered, many new ideas have been put forth, and after twenty years of correspondence with everybody else who is even remotely interested in the subject, I have managed to learn alto which I did not then know. In the process it has been possible to evolve a theory of the Atlantis problem which is in reasonable agreement with modern scientific research and which may well point the way to a solution of a question within a relatively short period of time.

The basic factors are as follows:

1. Where was Atlantis situated?

2. What caused the disaster?

3.When did it occur

4. What evidence is available?

a. Material

b. Historical

c. Analogical

5. What possibilities are there of proving this?

The Atlantis problem has been complicated by the fact that Atlantis is not separated from us by a gulf but rather by a series of post Atlantean cultures which filled up most of the gaps between BC 10,000 and the early historical period of BC 5,000. In process of sorting all this out it is now accepted that a certain amount of the evidence which had been assumed to refer to Atlantis now seems to refer to these later cultures. This is not of great importance in itself except in that it assures the continuity of historical record. Atlantis has to be put into proper perspective as, possibly, the earliest manifestation of culture known to the Western World and, as such, constituting the root from which nearly everything else in the Western World has sprung. In order to bring this about we have to discard a whole series of misconceptions, which have tended to confuse the issue. For example there is not the slightest evidence that the Atlantean Culture was in any way superior to that of ancient Greece. There is no reason to assume that the conduct of the Atlanteans was in any way better or worse than that of other historical groups. Finally there is no valid bases for the assumption that the Atlantis disaster was caused by human beings having offended the gods by discovering atomic fission, as had they done so it would still be possible to pick up traces of the explosion 13,000 years afterwards. This attitude to trying to transmute into the past one's fears of the present may be a mild pathological interest but has no relationship to history. Atlantis was submerged because of some natural disaster. The giant meteor craters in South Africa, Australia, and Canada, any one of which would have been amply sufficient to have caused it, are visible manifestations of occurrences which have happened many times in the past history of our planet. (Webmaster note- we may include the Argentina, Carolina's and Yucatan asteroid blasts as well near the Atlantic region) It is hard to fathom the reason for the reluctance of many people to accept the Atlantis concept. Admittedly it means putting the clock of history back a few thousand years but that has been done before and both archaeology and ancient history have survived the process without scars. The perspective has been blurred by the assumptions of various quasi religious groups which do not always fit in with the background of factual knowledge. This, however, is a process which frequently occurs and which sooner or later has to be fitted into the actual sequence of events. It must be accepted that Atlantis did not constitute a miraculous event but was purely and simply a part of our early history and that although its eclipse by a natural disaster was unusual, the same occurred in Minoan Crete which Santorin blew up in BC 1400. Here the event was on a smaller scale but was none the less effective. These points have to be made to emphasize that Atlantis fell into a normal historical pattern just as much as the early Egyptian, Babylonian, or Chinese cultures. The fact that it occurred some thousands of years earlier does not mean that any startling differences in human behavior are to be anticipated. The pattern of evolution has been consistent ever since the appearance of the first stone tool using primates a million years ago and Atlantis and its culture will fit quite comfortably into it. But Atlantis is none the less interesting for that. It is the earliest culture of which we have any records. However the recent discovery by Dr. Maurits van Loon of a village site at Tell Mureybat on the Euphrates which is dated at BC 7,500, shows that the gap between official records and the Atlantis concept has now narrowed down to 2,000 years, as compared with 6,000 at the end of the last war. That this hiatus will be bridged in the near future is obvious, but that is no reason for slacking in our efforts to produce as much evidence as possible so as to expedite the process. During my recent visit to America the intensive questioning to which I was subjected made me realize that in the course of seventeen years the situation of Atlantean Research had changed considerably thanks to the wealth of new ideas and discoveries which have come to my notice. These notes have been extracted from the introduction to a fresh appraisal of the Atlantis problem which is now in course of preparation and which should be finished this summer. (1966)

Webmaster note- I am fairly sure that E. Sykes was referring to the A.R.E. Cayce group due to the fact he had visited them and was invited and later gave some material to them. However, he was very weary of some of Cayce's suggestions of a more advanced culture then either Sykes thought they were, or that the scientific community would in 1966 accept. Sykes was more probably hard on the Blavatesky groups because of the timing of 'her prediction's in light of the MU exploiters of the Pacific concept such as Churchward putting out material at the same time frame or the Brothers he borrowed it from. I am not saying that some of their claims may not have some legitimacy, but on the Atlantis question as written by Plato i.e. a Classical writer it did not help matters in that endeavor. So Sykes was neither in agreement or disagreement he just felt it made it harder for scientific research into a subject hounded by metaphysics as it is today. But this brings up the chicken and the egg problem. Was not the subject Plato took on a fairly metaphysical culture or super human in their technology, that today we would call almost New Age as compared to other cultures in their own time???? There is some indications that this may well be so. The find by Mr. Brown in Bimini of the Crystal Ball in the Pyramid did stir quite an uproar as well as other crystal skulls found before that find about 6 years after Sykes wrote this.

Early Science- A legacy from the Past, A talk given by A.P. Thomas at the Atlantis Symposium at Brighton on 17th of September, 1966 (a summary)

"In the course of a couple of million years man has slowly evolved from the primitive stage to become a rational being. Because of this the folk memory of all races should contain records of now extinct animals and plants from these earlier stages. That this actually is the case is shown by the Mansi Tribe of North Eastern Siberia who tell of the times when there was a warm climate there with giant trees and strange animals, now only known as fossils. The mythological stories about fabulous animals, such as dragons, and griffins are probably memories of the giant lizards of early times. But side by side with these stories of the past we also find tales of scientific achievements by individuals which do not quite mesh in with our gradual rise to the present day level of technology. Is it possible that these stories are memories of the Lost Atlantean civilization? The truthfulness of folklore, over long periods of time, is shown by the stories told by the American Indians, and the Australian Aborigines about stars crashing down on earth in reference to the large craters of meteoric origin to be found in both areas which date back to very early periods long before man began to think of writing history. The Maya astronomical calendar, which -according to Bellamy-probably evolved about 10,000 BC, was far more accurate than that of the Western World. When Cortes landed in Mexico, the European Calendar was ten days out, whilst that of the Maya was accurate. In Babylon the priests knew of the existence of the "Horns of Venus", which they are invisible to modern man without a telescope. They had also recorded the four larger of Jupiter's twelve moons, which are invisible to the naked eye. The ancients also knew of the parallax of the sun, which they measured as an annual displacement of the sun against the background of stars. This is extremely difficult without precision instruments. Anaximes (BC 500) the Greek philosopher spoke of "Non luminous companions of stars." Democritus, his contemporary, said: "There are more planets than we are able to discover with our eyes." The Greek National Museum contains a model of the solar system made in BC 65, about which Dr. derek Price of Cambridge commented:'Finding such an object in Ancient Greece is like discovering a jet engine in the tomb of Tuten Khamen.' In India we find the texts of Manu antedating Lamarck and Darwin by thousands of years, while in BC 500 Kanada the sage had developed an atomic theory. Some months ago while in India I was surprised to discover that the Brahmins had used a unit of a three hundred millionth of a second in their calculations. This, I was told, was a tradition from an age when the gods walked the earth. One of the mysteries of the past is that of the ever-burning lamps. The Mandan tribe of North America tell of a time when they lived in cities beyond the ocean in which the lights never went out . Cedrenus of Bycantium, who lived in the 11th Century, in his "Compendium", wrote of a lamp at Edessa in Syria, which had remained alight for five hundred years. (Webmasters note-Kind of reminds me of the Phoenix Myth resurrecting or its fire every 500 years?) At the beginning of this century the natives of Torres Straits reported having seen round stones which gave out a strong greenish blue light. A similar instance was reported a few years ago from Dutch New Guinea where police patrols saw similar stones near Mount Wilhelmina. The origin of these stones is unknown. That the source of some of these lights might have been electrical is shown by the discovery by Wilhelm Konig of early dry batteries near Bagdad. These were reproduced in America by the General Electric Company shortly after the war and were found to have a power of six volts. Instructions for making such batteries are found in Princes Library at Ujjan in India, dating back to great antiquity. These note that joining a hundred or more together is very effective. Aagin when it comes to moving heavy materials, a ceremony which takes place daily at Shivapur, near Poona, in India, enables a 120 lb block of stone to be levitated by the touch of 11 forefingers and the chanting of the "Qamar Ali Dervish", the religious doctrines of the participants being what they may. Could a similar process have been used in antiquity? That aviation in some form or another was known in the past is born out by the descriptions of Vimana in the Ramayana, which were fueled with a yellowish white liquid and could fly with the speed of the wind-say sixty miles an hour-but required great skill on the part of the pilot. These appliances were kept in grihas or hangers. The descriptions tell of oceans looking like lakes, or rivers entering the ocean, and of flights above the clouds. (Webmasters Note- Is it possible these machines were used from trips between India region to the Maya in Central America like that tomb of the man leaning over with difficult pedals and controls not just a UFO experience but man making it in prototype?)

In China Emperor Shun (possibly of the Hsia Dynasty) who lived 4200 years ago was said to have had a flying machine, as also Emperor Cheng Tang, whose artificer Ki Kung Shi, built a flying machine for him four hundred years later, which was subsequently destroyed by Edict. He is said to have commanded the cutting off of communication between heaven and earth. (Webmaster note-that means not just the elements, or flight but also flying gods and aliens in severed relations?) The writer Chuang Tzu told of a flight to a distance of 32,500 miles from the earth. Was this an early satellite? Again when it comes to X-Rays and the like, history tells us that Emperor Tsin Shi, (BC 3rd Cent.) had a machine which illuminated the bones of his body, giving a reversed image from a cubical contained with 4 feet sides. A still earlier Indian doctor named Jivaka had a gem which made the body transparent. The Brahmins knew about vaccination and inoculation 4000 years before Jenner. (Webmasters note- Does it seem that Re-incarnation of inventors is more plausible if the same inventions are being made over and over again over mans time, each time just a little different then the last time?????) The well known Piri Reis Map, which was first published in Turkey in 1520 shows the Antartica free of ice, the South American Coast line was not fully explored until many years later. Dr. Afetinan the Turkish authority considered that the original of the map came from the library of Alexandria. About the time of the Norman invasion of 1066, Abdul Wafa was writing about the variation of the moon, which it is almost impossible to ascertain without precision instruments, which were unknown at the time. The Voynich Manuscript, now in the USA, dating back to 1500 AD, contains not only diagrams of microscopic sections of plants but also a sketch of the Andromeda Nebula. At that time there were neither microscopes nor telescopes. In the Bay of Pisco in Peru, there is a huge petroglyph, resembling Neptune's Trident. The meaning of this remained obscure until Beltran Garcia, a direct descendant of Garcilaso de la Vega, suggested that it depicted a seismograph made up of a pendulum with pulleys and cords, to register earthquakes. As is known the Incas had no writing but imployed a device of knots and strings called a quipu, which served as a mnemonic aid and also as a record. Although it is stated that one of the early rulers abolished books and writing, I believe that the quipu is but an echo from some earlier gifted culture. A Sanskrit manuscript called the Mausola Purva refers to a weapon which reduced everything to ashes, caused hair and nails to fall off, and turned pottery white, while poisoning all foods. Could this have been some form of atomic radiation? Ruz Lhuiller the Mexican archaeologist found a Maya drawing depicting a man seated in a rocket like machine with a fiery exhaust. Facing him is what could be a control board. In terms of acoustics the statue of Memmon, erected in BC 1500, was reported by Strabo to emit sound at sunrise. The last time this happened was 196 AD. The Incas had a speaking idol of a similar nature in the Valley of Rimac. Many years later Albertus Magnus and Saint Thomas Aquinas constructed a speaking robot, but it chattered too much so they broke it up. According to Arab legend automata guarded the secret entrance to the two great Pyramids and the associated Temple of the Sphinx. It is possible that the forthcoming investigation by American scientists with the aid of Cosmic rays, to find other passages in the Pyramid complex may provide a key to the mystery. (Webmaster note-How true that is as of 1966 and what was found in the late 1990's and 2000's) The Popul Vuh states that in the past: Man contemplated the arch of heaven and the rounded globe. Great was their wisdom." Cicero writes of a celestial Sphere hidden in the Temple of Virtue in Rome. The German writer K. Doberer is of the opinion that alchemy was born in Atlantis, where he felt that the secret of transmutation of metals was known. He considered that much of the gold of the civilizations of Egypt and Peru had been produced in this manner. In 1851 the Scientific American reported that a bell shaped vessel of a then unknown metal with floral designs, had been found in the solid rock during a blast. It is probably still existing in some American museum. In Ecudor platinum ornaments have been found. One wonders how the makers managed to produce the high temperature needed to melt this metal, some 1770 degrees Centigrade. The United States Bureau of Standards is said to have run a test on some steel which was seven thousand years old and which only melted at a temperature of nine thousand degrees Centigrade. Both Silver and Copper objects plated with Gold have been found at Chan Chan in Peru. Whether they inherited these skills from an earlier culture or not we do not know. The Ancient Mysteries were probably the learning of a Priestly College who may well have inherited this from Atlantis. In subsequent years this has been largely forgotten only to be re-discovered again and again. The Buddist Jakatas mentions a magic gem which when taken into the mouth levitated a man into the air. Was this the method of overcoming gravity? Did the Atlanteans and their contemporaries bury their secrets in the hope that one day they would be treasure are said to lie under Cuzco in Peru. Kanchenjunga, the great Mountain of the Himalayas, has a name meaning: "Five Treasures of the Great Snow". These are said to consist of libraries and objects, including some mechanical ones, sealed away against hostile intrusion, only the wisest Lamas knowing how to get in. With political changes the knowledge may by now have been lost. The same may be said of the Pyramids, the one great monument known to all of us.


The Flood and its Background, By Georg Hinzpeter, 1966 and C.A. Burland in his reference to carving of Orion on Stonehenge in 1966. 1966 ends





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