1968 cont

1968 cont.

Secret Chamber in the Great Pyramid, By E. Sykes

According to the Paris edition of the N.Y. Herald Tribune for 18.7.68. the cosmic ray experiments in the Great Pyramid have revealed the presence of a hitherto unknown chamber. No details are given as to its size or, what is more important, how to get to it. I still adhere to my idea (Ura. 11.3) that any secret chamber are likely to be between the lower gallery and the temple of the Sphinx." Webmaster note- Note that this was written about 40 years after E. Cayce made a prediction of its existence!

Votan The Third the Serpent Priest, By E. Sykes

Brasseur de Bourbourg in the preface of his Popul Vuh describes the burning by Bishop Zumaguerra in 1691 of a quanity of Quiche manuscripts including one entitled: "Proof that I am a Snake" the author of which was Votan the Third. In it the writer described a voyage to the ruler of a distant land, usually assumed to have been King Solomon, which would have dated it at 950 B.C. approximately. The author described to the king the wonders of the New World: Plants, animals, men, precious metals and stones, but refused to give any details of the route to be followed. His insistence on proving that he was a snake, i.e. a priest of the Serpent Clan, of which Votan was the titular god, would appear to have been unnecessary, unless there was some element of doubt about his position. At this particular period of history of King Solomon had concluded a treaty with his neighbor King Hiram of Phoenicia, to allow Phoenician ships to rove the world in the search for treasure and trade for Israel. It would seem possible that some young and ambitious Phoenician sea captain managed to reach the Caribbean, and having once tasted of its delights resolved to return there for good. Hence his refusal to give the route to be followed to King Solomon, which was strictly in accordance with Phoenician and Carthaginian tradition. But if he was not of local origin he might have some difficulty in obtaining entry into the exclusive circle of priesthood. To this end he would write a thesis for publication giving all the reasons why he should be accepted. And he would sign it with his newly adopted name of Votan the Third. It would be interesting to know if his efforts met with success. Another version of this story, from the Old World angle, appears in the "History of the Wonders of the Universe" of which the name of the author escapes me at the moment. Nunez de la Vega, a clerical contemporary of Zumaguerra, is stated to have burnt yet another manuscript telling of an old man whose great grandson, named Votan, saw the building of the great ziggurat. The two stories may just be different copies of the same manuscript. There are plenty of editions of Popul Vuh, those used were by max Muller, Morely, and Lewis Spence. Bourbourg is only available in the British Museum, the Bodelean, etc., and I have not consulted it on this occasion, relying mainly on qoutes by such writers as H. P. Blavatsky, Isis Unveiled; G. I. Bryant: a holograph mms; E. Sykes: Dictionary of Non Classical Myth; H. T. Wilkins: Secret Cities; etc. It would be interesting to know if there are any other references to this manuscript written either before or at the time of Brasseur. At this juncture my hypothesis is based upon a series of what I hope are logical assumptions. It is still, however, in the shadowy stage. E.S.

Lemuria Reconsidered, By L. M. Young on E. Sykes work by said title.

Egerton Sykes in an excellent monograph, revives a subject which though a fascinating one, has for a long time lain dormant. Lemuria is not regarded as just one single continental area as it has been postulated concerning Atlantis, but a vast region containing numerous islands and island groups and a complex network of cultures that were in many instances contemporary and others that seem to have been separated by extensive intervals of time and entirely independent of one another. Unlike the former land mass in the Atlantic, of whose traces are extremely meager and often controversial, the vestigial remnants of the former populations and past civilizations in the Pacific area are overwhelming, and fresh material is continually emerging. In an earnest endeavor to correlate this mass of information, Egerton Sykes reviews these various remains and groups and classifies the foregoing under cultural definitions in accordance with the regions in which these are situated.

Not all of these are located in the Oceanic area, and included in this classification are the important remains of Ankor Vat in Cambodia once the domain of the Khmers concerning whom too little is known. That the foregoing was Buddhist religious center can be recognized from the elaborate ornamented facades but the style of the architecture of the temple itself, which is massive structure of pyramidal form with its staircases and storied terraces have affiliations with a much older civilization. A great temple situated in ancient Benares called Bindh Madha in India, demolished in the 17th century, to judge from the brief description that has been preserved, seems to have been a edifice of a like kind. Also included in this culture area which Egerton Sykes calls Gobean, is the Asiatic remains fringing the Gobi desert which ten or twelve thousand years ago could have been an Inland Sea. Sir Aurel Stein, a few decades ago explored this region thoroughly and the volumes narrating his travels are practically the only source for a region now inaccessible to Europeans.

The term Lemuria was first applied to a specific land-mass envisaged by Phillip Lutley Sclater, a 19th century zoologist as the area where Lemurs evolved, a concept considered warranted by their geographical distribution. This itself of extremely large dimensions comprising Madagascar to Southern India and also Australia. Several geologists to the present time have offered similar hypothesis and though there are many variations in details their main definitions are in conformity with the propositions above though some would extend the land mass east of Australia to South Africa, an area which Egerton Sykes defines as Gondwana.

(Webmaster note-this should be noted by the www.atlan.org group as a reference as to why India and the surrounding area is not Atlantis itself, I repeat is not Atlantis in itself, but might have been available to atlantean culture, and not the other way around. We are not saying the group is doing misinformation but only that it is taking advantage of certain cultural dimensions not directly pertinent to the hypothesis of Plato's who was very strict about it being around the region of 'Beyond the Pillars of Hercules'. And yes though the Red Sea or Yemen might be another Straits they are not formerly the kind Solon was talking about. Otherwise, it would have in narrative stressed the old name of the Straits of Megan instead, well known in Plato's time, and not referred to as Hercules's. Note Hercules is a mostly northern aspect in terms of Greece though there was a Egyptian counterpart to his iconography. Hercules in his Labors does go to Spain not to the bottom of Yemen, or India. Therefore it is not surprising that all the Main Straits Plato refers to is west of Greece and Turkey even more westward of this. To many people do not understand that Plato, was a skeptical bird at times and would follow up on myths and stories till he had them confirmed i.e. sailor stories were for him the best source. Greece in his day was in a great trade with the Italian region near the end of the Carthagean Empire were such stories would have been plentiful.)

Sykes then goes into the human evolution history of the Malay and Australian region of man back to 600,000- 1,500,000 years ago in a rude form appearing, and continues with,

"How long the continental area survived in its entirety is not known at present, but its severance from the mainland may have been due to the impact of the Grosses Bluff meteor (http://www.unb.ca/passc/ImpactDatabase/images.html ) that fell in central Australia. This may have been a fragment or otherwise connected with the meteor alluded by Mr. Egerton Sykes as having destroyed Gondwana which was calculated by the Smithsonian Institute as having fallen approximately 700,000 years ago. Though this disaster of some cataclysm may have disintegrated the main continental structure and isolated Australasia, it appears probable that there were in the Pacific till comparatively recent times large portions of land existing, which were finally shattered into groups of islands during and after the worldwide catastrophe of 10,000 B.C. These smaller areas of land, at least those directly north and east of Australia, can be divided for ethnological purposes into three regions called Melaneasia, Micronesia and Polynesia, roughly confirming to the Avaka, Hawaikii Nanmetal and possibly Kahoupookane cultures of Egerton Sykes". (Webmaster's Note- I would highly advise all atlantologists to mostly follow what Sykes is saying in that if you do look at Lemuria question please designate information in this above outline of cultures in Pacific, so as not to confuse or mislead information on Lemuria. Because this has been problem in the past of Churchward followers, and we will not include Blavatsky because that is on a different scale and arena plateau.)

"The Melanesian tribes include the aboriginal Australian bushmen and the more primitive populations of New Guinea and the outlying islands. The former aboriginal inhabitants of Tasmania also are classed within this category. In color they are dark, more completely black with Negroid traits. ( Webmaster note- It is apologized about the term 'Negroid' as not a appropriate of a term to those cultures who themselves would not call themselves as such based on color, past or presently.) It is assumed they penetrated into Australasia from the Malayan archipelago when this and Indonesia were partly joined into a larger landmass or masses. Some idea of their antiquity in this region can be judged from the circumstances that Dubois though he did not disclose the find till many years afterwards, discovered a skull which though of less advanced characteristics conformed to that of the Australian aborigines. Australia itself does not appear to have any remains denoting a higher or advanced people but the same cannot be said of the Melanesian islands which are as Egerton Sykes describes strewn with traces of vanished populations. A similar situation applies to the chain of islands extending from Indonesia into the Pacific, peopled by the Micronesian populations, a brown -skinned people of diverse characteristics, which also contain a large amount of remnants of former civilization. That these peoples have spread across the Pacific to Atolls that were never more than islands is obvious but it seems most probable that the latter were a hybrid stock which evolved in one area from a fusion of Melanesian and lighter elements. This could have been the region, which comprises the Mariannes, Ladrones, Marshall and the Caroline Islands containing the well-known centers of Yap, Oleai and Ponape. On all these islands there are cyclopean monuments and extensive remains and on the Ponape stand Metalanim of whose large harbor Nanmetal described by Egerton Sykes who also provides a useful diagram giving the indication of the extent of the works. Native tradition attributes these structures to a Melanesian tribe which preceded the present inhabitants but it is unlikely that the foregoing were any exception to others of their race and possessed neither the ability or the technique necessary to initiate the complex labyrinth of which Metalanim is mute testimony. Such construction would have required a vast consumption of labor over a considerable passage of time, which with other causes resulted in the intermingling of many diverse ethnological types much of which was most probably slave labor. Among these may eventually been the dominant race that one stage seems to have eventually declined, which if the traditions prevalent throughout the Pacific have any basis of fact, were of light hair and complexion.

The Polynesians who exhibit in their ethnological composition, a skin only a tinge darker than Europeans and have intelligent aquiline faces also seem to have encountered these shadowy fair complexion people as they spread across the Pacific to New Zealand on the one extremity, and to Easter Island and possibly the shores of the American Continent on the other. Were these the Long Ears people who are depicted on some relief's and monuments both in the Eastern Pacific and on the coast of Peru? These appear to have early been in power in certain islands such as Easter Island and tradition associates the making stone images and the stone temple structures and when they were exterminated by conquest the art of monolith making fell into decay. The same seems to have happened elsewhere and the former people of Polynesia appear to have succumbed before these new Pacific sea-voyagers and either were massacred or assimilated and their legends adapted to patriotism of the conquering race. Among these have survived stories of large areas of land co continental extent such as that which was called Ka-houpo-o-kane which was asserted to have stretched from Hawaii, including Samoa-holokoa (Rarotanga) and reaching as far as New Zealand, also taking in Fiji. By co-ordinating the large mass of information concerning the anthropology and archaeology of the Pacific into a sensible pattern, Egerton Sykes has raised some thought provoking questions and in this intention then he has succeeded well. By L. M. Young.

Two Journals were specially dedicated to the Pyramid problem and the Lemuria Reconsidered which I do have and any interested can contact me-Webmaster.

Egypt and Atlantis , By E. Sykes


Also articles about 3 to 4 major impact craters at various times with 1968 continued.




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