1968 ends

The Latvian Crater Problem, By E. Sykes 1966

The small island of Osel or Saaremaa in the Gulf of Riga is well known because of the group of meteoric craters at the Lake of Sall or Kallijarv, near Arensberg or Kuresaare. The alternative names are simply because the sites are better known by their German names than by any others. The original owner of the site was a certain von Moller, who prettified the largest crater, a circular lake some 200 feet in diameter and built a summerhouse by its edge. However the first official mention was by a local historian, J.W. Von Luce, who wrote it up in 1827. About no pieces of meteoric Iron could be found, proably because the island has been inhabited since the earliest times and any surface fragments would have been found and used. However, after ten years searching, Reinwald found pieces of meteoric iron in two of the smaller craters, nos. 2 and no. 5. No. 2 is particularly interesting, as it is a double crater.

There is only one legendary story of a falling star, which fits in with this Latvian beauty. Phaethon, the son of Phoebus-Helios, the sun-god, by Clymene the famous Libyan beauty. Phaethon tried one day to drive the Chariot of the Sun, but lost control of the wild horses to which it was harnessed, and their passage close to earth set it to fire, Lybia being parched and Africa ablaze, the heat being so intense that the inhabitants changed color from white to black. Zeus killed Phaethon with a thunderbolt, and his body fell into the river Eridanus. The naiads of the stream rescued it and Clymene, with the three sisters of Phaethon, The Heliades (Phaethusa, Aegle, and Lampetia) wept for it so much that they eventually took root in the ground and became trees. Their tears, hardened by the Sun in his wrath, became lumps of Amber, "with which all women love to adorn themselves." Another classical source is the Timaeus where, referring to the discussion between Solon and the High Priest of Sais, Plato notes that in the opinion of the High Priest the Phaethon story was a myth referring to "a deviation from its course of one of the bodies moving round the Earth and heavens, causing a great conflagration of things on earth, such as occurs at long intervals of time" an accurate description of the effects of the fall of a large meteorite. There does not appear to have been such an event in Europe since the that time, the most recent one being the Tunguskays meteor in Siberia in 1908. But, nevertheless meteorites do fall and when this happens the results are serious. The finest amber in the world, the honey colored succinite, comes from a short stretch of the Baltic Coast stretching south west from Riga, the Samland of history. It has always been somewhat of a mystery why such enormous quantities have been found here, the museum at Konigsberg used to be filled with thousands of specimens, containing in their transparent graves, types of every type of early insect known of in Europe. An interesting side line of history on this is that Poppea the wife of Domitius Nero had honey colored tresses which caused him to call them 'Succini' in verses addressed to her. However it was not until Herodotus wrote of "A river which the barbarians call Eridanus, empties itself into the Northern Sea, whence as the tale goes, amber is procured". The main amber route was from Danzig down the Vistula to Czecstochowa, where there was a market where the traders from the north met those from the South, who took their wares to the Black Sea. One wonders whether the falling meteor might not have destroyed all the trees for hundreds of miles, this creating the supplies of imperishable amber. The Eridanus was identified by Claudius Ptolemy with the Rudon, now the Duna, which flows into the Gulf of Riga. A clue as to the date of the occurrence is given by Hesoid who observes that Phaethon had a step brother named Aeetes, whose mother was Perseis the sister of Clymene. This Aeetes was the Ruler of Colchis at the time of the visit of the Argonauts, between BC 2,000 and 1,100 B.C.. The identification is that of Eumelus who wrote "The realm of the fair built Ephyra to Aeetes fell….but he went to Colchis". The identification of Kaalijarv with the Phaethon story was largely due to Reinwald, who had managed to start a small museum to house his finds near the site, presumably in what had been the von Moller's summerhouse. In the note which he published about this he stated: "Kaalijarv has been known for a long time to its friends and has been visited every year not only by tourists but by also scientists. However until now they had not been aware that they have inspected the only site in Europe where meteoritic craters still exist. This must be a portion of the factual basis of the Phaethon myth, now the problem is to discover where the main body of the meteorite fell." Reinwald found that the area of the craters was built up of Silurian dolomite which had penetrated a sand colored quaternary overlay and that in the funnel of the crater pieces of charcoal of up to 2/1/2 inches in size which may well have been burnt embers. He observed that the layers of between four and 8 inches from the craters showed their antiquity. Unfortunately the last stages in this investigation occurred just before the war and in the interim nobody knows what happened to Ivan Reinwald, to the museum, or whether further investigations have been made. However a casual glance at a map of the Baltic Sea gives a clue as to the path followed by the meteorite. The curves of the Frische Nehrung from the Danzig to Konigsberg-Pillau, and those of the Kunsche Nehrung from Crantz to Memel-Klaipeda, appear to fit in with a fair sized meteorite dropping into the sea about 100 miles off the coast, as indicated on the map. This gives a track from just outside Stettin in the direction of Kakisami on Lake Ladoga. For the moment we have no idea in which direction it would have been put up simply as indicating a method by which it is easily possible for the resources of half a dozen different academic disciplines to be invoked in order to give a solution to something which happened thousands of years ago, but was still within the historical period, which for the Old World started in 5,000 B.C.. The same methods could be easily be applied in North America, whether in Ontario or in Arizona, where there are meteoric craters plus an accumulation of myths and legends which only require a modicum of sorting out. It is always dangerous t neglect available sources of information because of prejudice against folklore. E.S.

Webmaster Note- What a perfect example of what science so often overlooks, and yet throw myths away as rubbish, and historical non-sense to be only burned latter by the rejection of their overlooking egoistic system that man was only smart once, and man does not ever describe things correctly because he was always just a monkey. Well they already did disprove themselves by this one stated truism, "monkey see, and monkey do". If the monkey saw the comet and ran away to only return to explore what happened latter a natural curiosity is well known to them, would they not look down and go "hmmm, why does this taste like blood, why does this taste like charcoal, and hmm why does this taste like it burns though it does not have burn taste, well they would not immediately conceive radiation but they would in myth say do not eat this it will kill you. They turning into man would say later forget just the effects, what about the iron, what about the amber, what about the glass, and how come it was an explosion like the sun radiating everywhere? It would not take long to give it the class of some moving object they already were familiar with like a burning horse in a fire, or a flaming colored bird, or a eventually in a chariot………

The Site of Atlantis, E. Sykes 1969 begins


(This is where I got the name for my site, Atlantisite.com because it is where I think big stuff will show up on Atlantis locations, outside just of Bimini, Cuba, Haiti, Bermuda, Canary Islands, Cape Verde, or the Tongue of the Ocean.)





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