Dean Clarke's special information and work on 'Atlantis question of flooding in France'.

This is the first article by Dean Clarke put online for the Atlantean Research Journal for 2002, and this is a compellation part of ongoing work since 1980's. Map is made By Dean Clarke July 5th 2002 c.

Atlantis in France is really more the effect of Atlantis on France in a geographical and hydrology sense. The picture below this article is about the distribution of geographic names that refer directly or indirectly to what I call flood language. This does not mean they are flood languages as all pre-flood words but in most cases are really post great flood words that refer to older forms of same name. The list is as follows in the order of discovery:

  1. Ofa, Ova as the oldest reference to setting or subside meaning as to the Sun God or his river?

2. Odre, Atla as the later term to the Offa figure more in a water aspect partially Sun God-Waters?

  1. The introduction of the Belgium 'S' prefix on Offa and Odre as an Ocean Serpent God-Waters?
  2. The Et Reu or Et Nahr as 'That is' water which returns to region when it was dry before. An extension and similarity to the previous Odre-Atla Basque like aspect over time worn down.
  3. Ona or Oni as having the rejected 't' of Et Nahr with a 'Moon-Tidal' correction beginning instead of Sun, Anil, Aner
  4. Et Mar corrupted from Et-Nahr with Moon emphasized over Sun.
  5. Major Marsh divides into parts after 5,400 B.C.

As you can see 'F' ; then ,'T'; then, 'S' ;then, 'R' or 'N' ; then, (-)'R' and 'T' dropped ; then, (+)'T' and 'R' returns, and then 'Tm' or 'Tn' appears. Beginning from 14,000 BC with 'F' and ends at 5,400 BC with 'TM' consonants.

The development is lip to dental to tongue-dental to aspirate -tongue to dental-lip and the beginning of the tongue dental with worship of the Sun and Moon as indicated by the 'S' as combined. 'N' is emphasized when moon is starting to become more popular then sun for calendar and R and T are dropped as equals which signifies a Basque 'Rabbit' association of sacrificed moon-god. 'T' and 'R' return a failure of the sacrifice or emphasis on moon only in calendar study. Setting Sun begins to be a addition to the calendar Sun re-emphasized in correction.

As one can see 'T' seems to be to early so a 'T' form of a 'k' or 'Ch' sound is more plausible after the earlier 'F' sound. The most sustaining or disappointing in terms of persistent flooding and religon is after a major flood that occurred was at 9,600 and at 7,500 B.C. this is very likely in regards to Ice Age high melting period and subsequent end. The period between 9,600 and 7,500 B.C. there was a resting phase for it was more predictable. It was a period when women became more settled in life then had before and even more relied upon. Which explains the return of a female solar deity. However, at 5,400 B.C. the Moon slowly competed with Sun in the form of a male due to the waters returning to flood. This is then marked with the introduction of female as the Setting Sun line and Copper is introduced. What this all means is that Floods success or fear was based on vague religious notions that a Sun or a Moon God even sometimes an earth god might stop it from re-occurring or was encouraged during a drought. In so doing a pattern begins to emerge of when major floods over the more minor ones dictates a sense of place or time of occurrence. It must be warned that it is dubious to use a place name to determine such events, in other words do not try this at home. The only evidence to prove I am close in terms of correct or right is with only geological evidence, and even then it would be difficult to determine if the consonants were actually formed words in this order at those specific times. I spent 30 years organizing the pattern, so to prove this it would take about that much time to say it is even possibly so for confirmation. But, one thing is certain of this outline are that a geological event in man's memory can be recorded with an outline to eyewitness place naming results. That are based on a vague religious notion or linguistic taboo's in language choices about what some gods effects or which god to credit or not to the failure of a garden or the regular water source for the said garden. Now knowing this does not excuse the use of the terms, or the wear down of languages at 1-2 consonants per a couple of thousand years in choice as one over another one or the pronunciation problems of it. Yet, if the word is redundant in pattern like a lost echo and refers to some revered institution of libation to prevent or encourage a flood we may thus have a record though an extremely vague one without specifics. If the pattern is outlined with myths or stories of chronologically close events to their said naming then you might have only the beginning of a picture and not a final result. But, if the result shows a language progressive adaptation one culture consistently replacing the other as a cultural dynamic without the use of a more for sure chronology of time this would only leave a unsure picture again. If the said name refers to a flooding in the first instance then within it a specific identity in a more morphological mythic form it might suggest a event, but it must have two prerequisites:

  1. A known Flood zone in the recent or ancient past.
  2. Must have a limitation of distribution by eyewitness stories of names i.e. survivors to tell the story, and important enough to be emphasized in relation to trouble, bad or severe expressions. Enough so too be recorded or worthy of warning or passing the river sign posts down stream. Kind of like a linguistic flood marking system.

Also, the words absolutely must reflect in French or otherwise a comparable explanation outside of taboo or myth in regards to how a French explanation in a very rude form describes a flood sound i.e. R-R-R-R as rushing or roar of rapids, as opposed to a bigger flood R-E-I R-O-A-R. Even a term like rude 'Undrrrr' for rumble or thunder of the earth in a earthquake which you can see the 'ndr' i.e. 'Neter' seems to be older then the mbl of the Umbers a more corrupted Unders. The Under in fact is from the original Uder but this is where they begin to separate in meaning due to 'n' in the middle of word is passive almost past tense. The knowledge of a volcanic origin however is much more difficult if you do not have knowledge of that oldest god's name, and forget Vulcan as the excuse. It is really easier to make that Ana-Vauk then Vulga -An if we want to look at a more prehistoric form i.e. Hava-Ak. And we find this is so in France in the form of Ava-aut, or a Hava-aux or even Offa's Dyke who once being a giant almost of a one eyed storm and fire breathing 'personi' in some accounts. Based on this information we cannot say of Bedouin or otherwise of origin, but what can be said of the Ava aspect is one of the widest distributed in France in layers. Black Anat in France replaced Hava-Ac for two reasons Anat began near the volcano in the Country of Turkey not far from Catal Huyuk, but Hava-ac began with the Basques-Libyans. The second reason is that she was depicted as the eater of the newly dead marked with nasty ribs (magma flow) and obsidian teeth i.e. of a volcanic glass. It became too convenient to describe Hava-Ak the same as Anat to the French at a time after 5,000 BC. This means that only at the vaguest point could I do this picture outline of what, when, where, it happened of the effects of Atlantis. In the form of Tsunami's, Floods, Subsidence, Earthquakes, or Volcanism which could have occurred upon France in relation to myth, stories, words, taboo, language chronological breakdown over time, events in rude outline, water religion, solar and moon consonant identification, and level of severity in relation to flood descriptive sanctity. It is interesting that the closer we get to the Pyrenees Mountains or Valleys of, the less those floods are noted, but there is an exception. In the area of Masma region there is a famous underground mini lake or cave stream, which was the sight of many religious activities, and possibly later libation commemorative point. A reason to possibly why the flood was stopped, because the earth god took the flood from the protecting mountains by a subterranean stream where the souls of the dead would reside. France has one other curious feature because it tilts towards the sea on a low angle with the lowest towards the Atlantic and the highest towards Italy or to the west of France. It is described as a Tea Cup analogy in shape and this is significant. Because France's tea cup shape is the shape of an ancient asteroid as also if buried under the off shore of France or under it as a country. The metal ferrous region is more south and west of France yet France itself has little metal baring areas so it would seem the asteroid is very ancient and well buried. I have heard no speculations ever before of this possibility, or any scientific report of the possibility and I may the first to point this out. All the past inundation issues in France could have easily happened because there is such a strange depression that leads into the middle of France. Beyond this I can not say, but I will say that it, the asteroid, did not occur in a time period like Atlantis, but occurred possibly as ancient or older then the asteroid blast in Yucatan. It maybe a very unconscious aspect of the ancient man in France noting of Atlantis's more western asteroid occurrence as the same as France's own more ancient hit (which in more distant past was at about 40 degrees in angle when it possibly impacted and with a fairly high speed). This as of yet has not been confirmed by science of this my first proposed theory in either this described map or the extremely ancient asteroid that hit near of France. What is clear is that France was more effected by Mid Atlantic changes then even North America and the Coast of France's shelf shows signs of tremendous abuse by many fairly recent earth changes in her region. In most cases Spain was spared better then France was of major floods, because Spain is set more like a plateau. This may explain why Peru was chosen over Brazil by ancient cultures to avoid unpredictable rising water sources or susceptible over flooding of flood plains. Only until the fear of massive floods abated, would they return to more marshy sources, which was awkward for an extremely maritime culture. Here my friends is the unusual map of France-

You will also see all Ice related melting in the Northern France ends by 7,500 B.C., and Southern France finalized by drifting icebergs by 5,500 B.C.. Before this most of Atlantis sinking occurred between the Mid-Atlantic around Azores down to the south, but before this at 14,000 B.C. 1/5th of the Northern Atlantic regions went completely underwater, Lyonnesee, or Hyperborea was lost i.e Pleadies and a flood that covered at least 1/3 of France. This also might explain the other reason of Neanderthals were a dying out as a race in France, who had as the only place to go someplace to the north, who were people being pushed by the also escaping Cro-Magnon. They were lead right into an even more inhospitable place that had then only recently had a major flood in Northern France, which placed icebergs by lunging them into the mountains in a tsunami fashion. It seems to fit that starvation in such a condition would in fact ensue, all the major animals were dead already when they arrived there, and were a people left to eat few returning rabbits and newly passing birds.

July 7th 2002 C. By Dean Clarke