The Duality of Hercules, An appreciation of Mr. Sykes' Paper, By Leslie Young

(a summary of her account)

This is in regards to E. Sykes dealings with the "Twelve Labours of Hercules" based on the themes importance towards rationalization of heroic legends of classical mythology.

"After the complexities and extravagances of the theories propounded by Muller and Cox, and the lethergic attitude of other mythologists who, being unable to favour the extreme views of the German school, have sought to resolve the personality of Hercules by regarding him as a hero who had delivered the territory of Southern Greece from wild beasts, Mr. Sykes approach is both startling and original."

The points Sykes makes are about the labors of Hercules with each animal as representing a totem emblem of a clan, and the mastery of Hercules as a battle technician. Hercules belonged to a period before the Trojan Wars and may have been an amalgamated into some earlier cult hero figure as well as a earlier god of a much more remote period actually called 'Alcaeus' of his father Amphitryon, of Perseus. Hercules and his father were caught between a coup between heirs of thrown as being sky worshippers verses mother goddess worshippers (in mother worship as a revival sense that the older Greeks were holding onto).

Webmaster D. Clarke's view of this -The antiquity of Hercules is proven by the fact that Sky Worshippers first show up in Greece no sooner then 3,200 B.C. a good 1,500 years before the Trojan War. The other factor is that Sky Worship was not introduced by the Achaeans, but by an earlier culture almost back to period of pre-dynastic Egypt at least. Since Hercules is connected with twin sky worship it is likely he falls under the Age of Gemini i.e. no sooner then 4,500 B.C. in cult association and we may conclude from this that the cult was established 2,000 years before this i.e. 6,500 B.C. since

El Gyius of Al Caeus means in Egypt and Latin 'Way-God', or Agyius. Amphitryon his father has a very revealing name AmpH-T-Ra-On, or Hit Ra-An i.e. 'The House or Hide of Ra and Osiris' as twin Gods? Hercules is thus older then Stonehenge or the Bronze Age as a story.

Hercules was reared in a newer cult then the Mother Goddess worshippers of Greece and he may go back as a story to the earliest Argo and Jason story. Zeus, was earlier known in Crete as a Thunder and Woodpecker God of Twin Worship which was Hercules God. Hercules first three battles were with Mother Goddess figures, Nemean Lion, the Hydra, and the Iberian like Stag. As a child Hercules strangled two serpents very similar to the depictions of Horus the Child holding two serpents and the story of Bes a Ethiopian God who also strangled two serpents. The story may be about the submission of Ethiopia in Hercules time to a more northern state like Egypt or Libya, which occurred when he was a boy. His father was in exile in Thebes if Greece or Egypt at Hercules birth? The serpents of Greece or Crete as a mother goddess may have denoted the suppressing of sky worship as well which Hercules and His father repealed. Both Diodorus and Herodotus mention a Hercules in Egypt who was said to be the son of a Ammon. Not only was he a mortal warrior according to Diodorus, but he took part in battles with giants and the gods, thus he was canonized in Egypt in the night sky against Bootes and the other celestial gods under the guise of Amun festivals. That he also saved Egypt from inundation on the Nile when it flooded the banks and he deviated the water by turning back to its source. These events are to have been said to occur when Osiris was alive as a period that was 10,000 years before the Trojan War!!!!!

This date would be 10,000+1,600+2,000= 11,900 B.C. and is a date when E. Cayce said Atlantis Flooded in its second to last major inundation??? He is also connected to Baal which the Egyptians received by the Phoenicians. This is connected to this myth is a inscription found at Ras Sharma in Palestine showing Baal with a club holding a spear who is engaged in a battle with Lotan a seven headed serpent which has been identified with Book of Revelations. This cult hero is connected back to earlier Sumerian, and Ancient Libyan stories.

The significance of his story has much wider and deeper significance as an over the epochs story about the Mediterranean cultures amalgamated in framework from a more western source older source. Osiris by the way lived before pre-dynastic Egypt

and is dated as no sooner then 4,500 B.C. in Egypt and may go back in the form of Anu at least 3,000 years earlier as a post-diluvian god.


The Theory of Tides and the Problem of Atlantis, By Prof. N. Boneff




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