1975 to 1976 Begins

Bimini –Murias, By Egerton Sykes

"There is still considerable activity going on in the investigation of the submerged ruins in this region. As readers know I think that this was an administrative religious complex, having its own harbor, portions of which have already come to light. What is of major concern is the absence of common objective among all those working on these sites. Here we have a series of underwater sites in the region between Florida and Jamaica, all roughly contemporary, which must be considered as the remains of an earlier culture which was eliminated in two stages, the first by a meteor strike about BC 10,000 and the second by the breaching of the Lykontian Plain walls, by the Atlantic, about 3,000 BC.

Everybody is so concerned with their own discoveries that they fail to appreciate the immensity of the problem, which involves an area of about a million square miles, littered with islands, both large and extremely small, and which has never been considered in toto since the death of Mitchell Hedges.

The Bermuda Triangle or Circle, on which I wrote the other day, is but a minor aspect of the problem. Practically the only person who has been willing to visualize the question as a whole is Dr. Manse Valentine, in spite of much discouragement in his home state of Florida.

To recapitulate: In BC 10,000 there was a culture in the region, which was eliminated by a meteor strike. Its successor was largely eliminated by the flooding of the Lyknotian Plain, which we know as the bed of the Caribbean Sea. Bridging the two cultures were a series of contacts with the Mediterranean Races".

"These visitors left traces"

Sykes lists-

Buildings- Peculiar Styles of building

Artificial skull deformation-Practiced in Maya land, and Caribbean in Both South and North America.

The Couvade- The practice of the father staying with a newly born child in the first 3 months at home while the mother goes out and does the work in hunting or field tending. A belief based on the possession of a child from an ill spirit, and a spirit to take the child away from the body, or the protection from having a fatherless Trauma.

"Glamour was almost completely lacking. They arrived with various purposes in mind: rejuvenation, trade or just adventure. Although the various nations left their temples behind, these seem to have had little, if any effect on local religious customs no more than the presence of the Anglican Church in Rome had any influence on the Vatican.

We are handicapped by the fact that in a State such as Florida, where the tourist industry is paramount, any academic pursuit which does not promise an immediate cash return is shunned.

The newly independent West Indian Islands are engrossed with teething troubles and are uninterested in past history. Haiti and Cuba are still in a state of uneasy political equilibrium and view foreign archaeologists with a certain amount of misgiving. Jamaica is fighting on the one hand to develop her tourist industry and at the same time to build up an export trade in natural products, matters of concern to the administration. Research has also been retarded by the over emphasis on the psychic and the occult. While eventually Extra Sensory Perception will become a science, at the present stage it is too undeveloped to be used as the main basis of any serious research work.

I know most of the people concerned and wonder if it would not be possible for their activities to be coordinated by affiliation to either an existing organization or even a new one. I prefer the already existing one, as it involved practically no immediate cash outlay. Endeavors have been made to arrange a small symposium in Miami or nearby, in the fall of this year, to work things out.

So far nothing decisive has eventuated but there are mild hopes that all will go well. The one reservation is that everybody concerned must be down to earth. The matter is too serious to be handled on the astral planes or from the shelter of a flying saucer." E.S. 1975 c.

Factoid- In 1975 Sykes and Young had another Symposium in Brighton England on Hoerbiger’s work and Nan Metal or Ponape monument sites. 1975 ends.

This is the last Atlantis Research Centre journal by Young and Sykes listed for now on the List of Articles of the Atlantisite.com web pages.

This site has nearly 130-140 articles and constitutes about 15 percent of all articles on those journals. About 45 percent of the articles were specifically on Atlantis. This means you have seen almost half of all the articles on Atlantis subject specifically from these journals. Call this a gift to the young and old reader who would not usually have access to the more unusual information on Atlantis. And to all after reading all the articles send a email and say thank you to this Webmaster and also would be a ‘thank you’ indirectly to the ‘Family of Egerton Sykes’ for allowing this information to in part go online. By the way there are places to buy his journals in private collections but they are rare and few to be sought. I will allow some Xerox’s of the material, but on a limited basis and costs nominal or low for copies. As said before complete copies of all that I have will not be allowed to occur for I do not have the rights to do that in full.

Sinc. Webmaster ps. serious research inquires only in copies made. Thanks

Basques in America in BC 700, By E. Sykes 1976

In September last (ATL 28:5,75) I published an article on the researches of Professor Barry Fell on Mystery Hill. I have now received a copy of an article in the Los Angeles Times for the 5th of June, 1975, also referring to the work of the Professor in which it was stated that there were three languages used by explorers from the Iberian Peninsula who reached North America:

  1. Basque or Lusitanian which originated from Northern Portugal.
  2. Iberian Punic.
  3. Libyan Punic.

Bearing in mind that most of Spain, Portugal and North Africa were Carthaginian colonies, items 2 and 3 fit in with the course of history, although I think it would have done Professor Fell good to have read the late Mrs. Whishaw’s book: ‘Atlantis in Andalucia" which has many photos of inscriptions. However when it comes to Basque I must join issue with Professor Fell. The Basque language is alien to Europe and certainly did not originate there. It is akin to Ossetian and other Caucasian Peninsular languages, but we have no knowledge of how it came to North Western Spain.

For thousands of years the Basques were able to reserve their national identity thanks to the fact that they are all Rhesus Minus, which rendered marriages with Rhesus Plus people, who constitute the bulk of the population of Europe, an extremely risky event. Their kinship with the Ossetians is shown by that fact that this race is also Rhesus Minus.

Basques and Bretons visited America in their hunt for fishing grounds for stockfish (cod), but it is in the highest degree doubtful whether, if by storm or other reason they had been forced to land on the East Coast, any among them would have been capable of writing inscriptions for historians to find later. I have spent many hours in the Basque museums in both Bayonne and San Sebastien and in conversation with the curators, and found nothing to confirm these theories. Even if we allow the Professor to give the Basque language the new name of Luisitanian, I do not see that the situation is altered to any effect.

One phrase in the article shook me to the core: "The Nubians who lived in Uganda" also voyaged to America. Surely there must have been a slip up somewhere. " E.S.

"I also have a note on Phoenician inscriptions found at Bourne, Mass, by the Professor, but details are lacking."

Webmaster Note- Sykes was only surprised at the Uganda connection because he could not see why Fell did not see any Nile valley connections. Also, he felt Fell did not look at the Caucasian conclusion well enough.

The Sirius Mystery, By Robert K.G. Temple, Sidgewick and Jackson, London, 1976.

L. 6.95 price. Book Review by Egerton Sykes. 1976 c.

Strangely enough, although I did not realize it at the time, I was in on the initial stages of this investigation when I received a report from Paris on some interesting discoveries being made by the two French Anthropologists named M. Graule and Germaine Dieterlen, who had picked up some stories about the Star Sirius, about which we knew even less then than we do now. This was about 1933 or 34, and only a few vague details were available.

Now, forty years later, I suddenly discover that these tribal memories were to form the basis of an entirely new alien space visit theory being put out by Robert Temple.

The possibility of occasional alien visitors in the past is one which I have always accepted, although without any involvement with flying saucers and rubbish of that nature. At the time I was not particularly interested in Sirius as an alien source, but rather in the mysterious city of Iram Zat Al Med whose king was Shaddad El Yamen, and which was destroyed by fire from heaven. The City was also know as Urbar or Wabar, and in 1932 J. B. Philby, father of the spy, had just discovered a series of small meteorite craters lying 17.3 N and 52 E, Southern Arabia.

If there is to be a tie up between Sirian visit and the adoption of the Sothic year by the Egyptians, we have a choice between BC 6,111 or BC 4,652, both dating by Lockwood, our Astronomer Royal at the turn of the Century. I prefer the earlier one if a cosmic visit is involved. It would also fit in Iram Zat Al Amed, which lines up with the Ouranos/Oannes period (Orion). I do not think the period of time involved is too long for the Dogon; the Old Testament was repeated from memory for a very long time before being put into writing."

Sirius Mystery, Book Review of Robert Temple’s work, By E. Sykes 1976 c. (Part Two)

(This is the Last Article of Sykes put online for now…) Look at the other list of years to see Clarke’s and Sykes work from 1978 onwards by returning on the

‘Link’ button-text below.



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