1967 Begins


The Immediate Consequences of Atlantis Disaster, By Egerton Sykes c. 1967


We have no comparable disasters in recent times by which to judge the magnitude of the effects of a strike of the nature mentioned. The most important are as follows:

Krakatoa in 1883

Mont Pelee in 1902

Tunguskaya 1908

Kanchu, China in 1920

Tokyo, Japan in 1923

Krakatoa, which is a mountain in Indonesia, started erupting in May 1883 and finally exploded in August, with a force of 7.2 x 10 to the 22nd Ergs. 163 towns were destroyed, 5,000 ships wrecked, a Dutch warship being carried 10 klm inland to a hieght of 8 1/2 meters. The shock wave was 100 meters high and reached for 560 klm, and was felt at Aden and in Australia. Somewhat over 36,000 killed statistics unavailable. The dust cloud affected sunsets in England for years. My mother who remembered them said that it was possible that this discoloration was what gave turner his interpretation. Mont Pelee which errupted in 1902, gave out a cloud of incandescent gas which rolled down its slopes and killed everybody in St. Pierre the Capital of Martinique. (Webmaster note-reminds me the story of Moses Angel of Death) The only survivor was a prisoner condemned to death for murder who was in a cell in the basement of the fortress, where he was protected by the thick stone walls. (Webmaster Note-This would be a good story for Would you believe it, or Fact or Fiction) I well remember stories of the rescue efforts by the British Ship with the decks red hot and every portion of woodwork aflame. However the range of the effect was limited, about 30 miles, although a simultaneous eruption occurred on St. Vincent, a hundred miles away, resulting in the death of 1100 people. What was of interest was that a solid plug of Lava pushed up to a height of 700 feet above the crater of Pelee, it only survived the tropical weather for a few months. Tunguskaya, the site of the Siberian Meteorite of June 1908 is fairly well known to most people. The force of the impact was 3.2 x 10 to the 24th Ergs according to one authority and 2x10 to the 21st Ergs from another. It killed all living things within a radius of 30 klm was heard for 1,000 klm and was seen in Britian. Unfortunately the site was hard to reach and it was not until 1921 that somebody actually managed to investigate it. The Kanchu Earthquake of 1920, produced shock waves that were felt 1200 klm away. Estimates of deaths are 100,000 plus. No further information of interest is available. The Tokyo Earthquake of 1923. Here the deaths were 150,000 the injured 100,000, with over half a million houses destroyed in total or in part. My sources are "Le Tremblement de Terre", by E. Rothe, Paris 1932; Volcanoes by G. W. Tyrrell, London 1931, plus my own files. The two atom bombs dropped on Japan at the end of the last war were on a considerable smaller scale than the efforts of nature, with small shock waves and mainly local effects. But with the Atlantis disaster we are faced with something a thousand fold more effective than anything which has happened of late. With a shock of the level anticipated it is most doubtful if there would have been any survivors within a 1,500 to 2,000 miles, while the shock waves would have been highly destructive for a radius of three times that distance. This implies that the whole of Western Europe would have been effected, while the zone of complete destruction would have been extended up nearly as far as New York. It has been suggested that it would have needed two hundred million atom bombs going off at once to produce the same effect, about the entire stock of atomic explosives on earth. The stories of deluge and floods become credible when one visualizes a succession of tidal waves each 600 to 1000 feet in height, sweeping over the oceans and far inland. The story of Noah and his Ark being the stranded on Mount Ararat drops in place as an important detail in a pattern of mass catastrophe. It is from this that we have a standard disaster story. Of which there are hundreds from people all over the world. The epic hero (or Heroine) is warned that disaster is about to occur, and, according to his geographic position, builds a ship or raft, seeks refuge in a deep cavern, or climbs to the top of a high mountain, and hopes for the best. The veracity of these legends is attested to by the fact that in the last moment rush to escape it is rarely that the biological minimal desiderata are satisfied. In other words the survivors are of the wrong sexes, or ages, to enable the race to be continued. Hence most stories tell of desperate searches over hundreds, and even thousands of miles to find other survivors, or other races, speaking other languages, but biologically suitable. The tribes that succeeded in these searches have left us their stories, those that failed just ceased to exist. The various creation legends refer to the period, sometimes centuries later when the mantle of dust and debris which obscured the atmosphere and caused a marked deterioration in the climate, gradually cleared away. They are not really creation myths, as that event occurred too long ago, and far before any human being existed. But they do refer to an historical recovery and return to normal after the great disaster. The Eastern stories include that of Noah and the Ark; Utnapishitim and his vessel; Xisuthros and his ship; Deukalion and Pyrrha and their boat; Manu of the Rig Veda and his craft; etc. etc. The Western Europe we have Askr and Embla and their log boat as described in the Volupsa Edda; Bergemir and his wife in the ship Luda from the same source; Dwy Fawr and Dwy Fach in Welsh myth; etc. Although the story of Noah as related in Genesis is by far the best escape story, it was obviously written by somebody who was a long way from the actual disaster and therefore could only bear witness to the fringe effects. Ragnarok, however, the Eddic story tells of what happened to those who actually witnessed it. Here are some telling phrases from it:

"The stars are hurled from heaven; the mountains topple down, the sea rushes over the earth; the Fenris Wolf (i.e. Celestial Intruder) opens its mouth until it spans from heaven to earth; the heaven's are rent in twains; the blazing sword of Surt which shines brighter than the sun breaks over Bifrost (the Northern part of Atlantis); the Tree of Life Ygdrasil trembles; Surt flings fire all over the world and burns it up; etc." Obviously the authors of the story must have been on the immediate fringe, just far enough away to survive and yet near enough to see. Then follows the Fimbul winter: "The mighty, the great iron winter; of which there are three in succession without any intervening summer." But the volcanic eruptions caused by the catastrophe still continued, as Jafnhar relates: "The South part of Ginungagap (i.e. the Atlantic) was lighted up by the glowing sparks that flew out of Muspelheim". The survivors, included Mode and Magne the sons Thorm Lif and Lifthraser, and others, started to rebuild their race." (Webmasters note- Mode and Magne which reminds me of the Magdalenian type names in France, and Natal or Moatel reminds me of Mode's name, it would seem a giant's pun 'Moat and Large

Genee' like the stories of large ring or moats of the giants fingers that they made, it also hides a asteroid type issue in its outline after hitting the earth. Lifthraser almost looks like modern words of Lifting and raising as if 'Left Arm', but more a lifting or raising of water or stone. Note the water rising is before the giant rings that is in lineage?) As a matter of interest it might be pointed out that were a similar strike to occur today, unless it landed on the South or North Poles, some five hundred million people would die in the first 24 hours, another two hundred and fifty million within the three months, and a further hundred million within a year, mainly from starvation or asphyxiation. If it struck London the first survivors would be west of Chicago, or East of Tashkent. If it struck India survival would start in California, Rhodesia, and Western Europe. Human efforts in this direction seem relatively ineffective. In terms of the Beaufort Scale which reaches 12 for Hurricanes of 75 miles and hour upwards, the winds would average 35, for speeds of 300 miles an hour and upwards for the wind storms produced. The Fibul Winters mentioned above would arise from the occlusion of the Sun's rays by the clouds of dust filling the atmosphere, clouds which would take many years to settle. And this is irrespective of the type of cause. In other words the Moon Capture of Hoerbiger, with huge chunks of lunar surface material raining on the earth would have the same effect as a planetoid strike, the amount of material involved might even be larger with the capture theory than with the strike. In either case the damage would be on a fantastic scale, unimaginable by any standards known to present. No mention has been made of the genetic effects of the bursts of radiation occasioned by the impact. The reason is simply that we have no idea whether they were caused mutations, which were harmful, or whether they were beneficial. Several of the Russian specialists as also Georg Hinzpeter, the Hoerbiger authority, consider that cultural quantum jumps may well have been occasioned by changes in gravitation, magnetic and electrical radiation's, as also those in the hard radiation belt. It is not always the case that Gamma Radiation's harm the race, there may well be cases when the results will be of great use in later generations. Certain marked changes appear to have taken place in religious practices as a result of the disaster. For example there was almost universal tendency to change over from Sun Worship to Moon Worship, linked with the fact that the sun had disappeared from view for while the impacting substances were assumed to have been a product of the wrath of the Moon, which tends to endorse the Hoerbiger Theory rather than the other alternatives. At the same time there was a marked disintegration of social mores, with the introduction of sadistic bestiality into methods of worship, rather similar to present day tendencies on the stage and screen as in the standards of private life, the differences lying in the fact that the present generation is one of voyeurs rather than doers. All the stories and legends refer to a time when the old solar gods were overthrown and replaced by lunar ones following some great natural disaster and that it was two centuries or more before the pendulum began to swing back. The wars between the gods and the Titans of the Greek myth, the wars between Set and Osiris, with Isis, the Moon Goddess, assisting first one side and then the other are a memory of this period. Emphasis must be laid on the fact that the Creation legends which abound in religious literature refer to the gradual period of recovery from the disaster. It is Obvious that as the actual creation of this world occurred several thousands of million years ago no human being could have been present nor could one have managed to describe an event which was outside the confines of his learning and experience. It is for that reason that when reading these experiences of the past it is essential to remember that the Creation legends are the sequel to the stories of the Heavenly vengeance and punishment, not the other way around. The well meant efforts of theological writers to present a picture which matched in with their religious theories have frequently resulted in distortion of the truth which is even more interesting than their ideas, although different. The dating tend to get out of focus when viewed through clerical glasses. The maximum possible duration of humanity in the past may be put at twenty million years, and that is according to Leakey. It may be frankly admitted that even this figure is causing considerable discomfort in professional anthropological circles owing to its length. The prospect of anything earlier coming into the picture is minimal. A realization of this means scaling down the pictures painted by many enthusiasts for Eastern religions until they fit with this framework. The assumption that Atlantis was destroyed by an atomic explosion caused by the misuse of natural powers has no basis in either fact or logic. While short lived bursts of hard radiation's would be caused by any of the forms of impact postulated, they would be of a different nature and intensity to those of an atomic burst which would leave traces of a dissimilar nature to those which have been discovered. Atlantis did not have a technological civilization, although it may have had an extremely intelligent one. The proof is simply that any technological civilization results in the depletion of the available supplies of minerals and metals to such an extent that it can never be repeated. As things are at the moment the Earth will have exhausted all supplies of both, for the technological angle, within a couple of hundred years, after which time we either secure additional supplies thanks to space travel or we starve. Such a spending spree as we are now enjoying in natural resources, which is the essential background of an expanding technology, can only happen once. It has never happened before and can never happen again on this world of ours. While there are evidences of such materials as copper having been mined in early times, the total amount of metals extracted from the soil in the whole of past history until a hundred years ago, would be about equal to that being extracted daily at the present time. Any technological wonders of the past have been in ones and twos not in thousands or millions. The ability to invent things has always been present in the human race, it is only nowadays that we also have the ability to produce them by mass production. This implies that there can never be another technological age without the aid of materials for within our planetary system or outside of it. While we admire the qualities of the Atlantean Culture and the wonders which it produced we must preserve a sense of proportion in considering their relationships to the wonders which we accept as forming part of our daily lives. In the next article in this series an endeavor will be made to outline exactly what it was that the Atlanteans did manage to accomplish and what traces of it have been left to present day investigators. " E.S.


Haiti-An Archaeological Mystery, by James Lockwood

"For neigh onto 28 years I have been interested in finding cultural materials that might shed a little more light and pin point the origin of early man in Haiti. In recent geological times, nature has dealt this Caribbean Island a very severe blow. A flight from Cap Haitien, on the Northern coast, to Port-au-Prince will portray the convulsive actions of the earth's crust. In the late afternoon when the sun casts glancing shadows on the mountainous surface, a fault exists that is very outstanding. One can imagine that a giant with a three pronged tool carved up the mountains and valleys in long and straight furrows. This fault is so true that it looks man made. North of this fault the rocks are of igneous origin rather dark in color. To the South of this line of demarcation, the d sedimentary deposits are of a lighter color. Part of the land is a geological mess. Fragments of igneous rock interlaces the white materials of sedimentary origin. All this designates the violence of the past cataclysmic actions in the Caribbean area. Haiti is not only split by huge fault of great magnitude, but the weather pattern also follows a definite yearly trend. Over 80 inches of rain falls on the Northern Province and causes a vast amount of erosion. This also tends to produce a lush tropical vegetation area. The middle and the South of the country is semi-arid. In this small country, nature controlled the habits and the living conditions of ancient man as well as his counterpart today. Very few pottery sherds and clay artifacts are found in the North. These rains and winds (most of the year from the Southeast) destroyed this source of investigation. Pre-historic man lived very well. He had plenty of food and many caves and rock shelters. His artistic ability has proven itself today in the wonderful stone idols, tools, and ceremonial items that are found in caves and village sites. One interesting feature has recently come to light. Man was not the only resident in this locale. Near the little city of Monte Cristi in the Dominican Republic, Dinosaur fossils are washing up on the beaches. Many of the reefs are not made of coral but are folds in the Earth's Crust. It is very difficult to judge the age of artifacts found in Haiti. Very little stratification exists in a large section of the country. We must turn to other islands in the Martinique for carbon dating in well-stratified pattern. The Ciboney, Arawak, and Caribs inhabited the entire Caribbean region therefore it is possible to get a slight idea of the age of things uncovered by comparison with objects found in other nearby land masses. Everything points to large population in ancient times. The semi-arid condition in the South has preserved the pottery items that are so lacking in the northern section. One mystery confronts us. Why did the prehistoric populations go in for such mass production of weird heads and faces. The prehistoric Caribbean people must have been possessed with nightmares. They, in turn, portrayed these dreams in the pottery, stone tools, idols, and ceremonial objects. Two types of heads exist. Those with round eyes and those of the slanting type. Were these made by the same people? From the archives of Spain, records tell us historical facts about the Arawaks. We know they came from Brazil. However the lack of many mongoloids characteristics point to a possible origin other than from Asiatic sources. Mr. Egerton Sykes suggests that they may be the last of the Atlanteans. He may be right. I visited many islands in the Caribbean area. Haiti seemed to have the greatest untouched potential for research. The past populations have left their mark in history. These vanished races left a jigsaw puzzle to unravel. Every garbage heap of antiquity, every cave, has the ability to produce some fantastic object that might be the key to the past. It is a real challenge for the present and the future archaeologist. Maybe in our lifetime more history will come to light about the life and culture of the Caribbean area."

Wemaster Note- You can see that this is why on Haiti archaeological sites you will find more info on the southern portion of Haiti then in the northern due to preservation issues of artifacts, but as he said caves in the north could unravel other issues. The other point as that the heads found at Haiti have been likened to the Brazil heads found in the terraced and aqua cut out fields of a lost culture presumed to be at least 5,000 B.C. and actually is being declared in some cases even older at 7,500 B.C.. It would be a likely scenario that Brazil or our High Brazil or Ia-Island of Brazil (and it did have one off the coast of Brazil) is one of the missing colonist links. Haiti may provide along with Brazil an even older culture or temple one that is some 1,000 feet underwater off the coast of Haiti. We must remember it was fairly geologically active in the area therefore would not always be the best site for building massive monuments. Yet, why not an attempt one just off shore several thousands of years ago???

Evidence of the Existence of an Atlantean Culture, By Egerton Sykes



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