Basque Notes- P. Collignon Ph.D and Others

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A Colonel A. Brahine records that when he was in Guatemala he often heard about one Indian tribe living in the Peten District (Northern Guatemala) spoke a language resembling 'Basque'. He heard of an occasion that when a missionary preached in Peten that the Indians understood him in his idioms with great success. Also in the Tula region of Mexico there is a tribe called the Otomis that spoke with an old Japanese idiom. This Colonel concluded that they might be refugees from Atlantis since the Peten and the Otomis were a part of their westward expansion and went past them to the Polynesians and Malaysia and then settled in Japan. He also mentions he was present when a Russian Officer of the Georgian origin found himself able to talk to natives of Viscaya upon his arrival in Spain. He spoke Georgian and the Basques understood him. He goes on to say the region of Georgia Russia was once called 'Iveria' or 'Iberia'.

Note: From the web page author, Dean Clarke- I mentioned to the team Atlantis that what they found was evidence of this above possibility that what they found was a Basque like monument since in this article above mentioned a interesting note surfaced that Iokohama in Japan means in basque-"a seashore city".!! This was a name found on the mainland of the nearby Island this Team Atlantis found offshore the terraced port underwater!!


A Dr. Yoshitomi once quoted in a book by J. Fitzgerald Lee 'The Great Migration' from 'Japanese and Israelites' mentions his study on origin of the Basques, and Japanese and most athletic Jews. "Pavlino, the Spanish Basque boxer, who is a typical specimen of his race, might easily be mistaken for a Japanese wrestler…". Dr. Yoshitomi also draws attention to the similarities between the Japanese and Basque languages. Mousoko in Japanese and Moutiko in Basque means a young man. The masculine

Gender in Japanese is formed by the addition of 'asu', while in Basque it is 'asa'. The feminine in Japanese is formed by addition of 'me', and in Basque it is 'eme'. These are very striking facts. The Maya Ball game is very simaler to the Basque game called 'Pelota'.

Elephants in America-

Elephant art in Central America very likened to Cambodian depiction's of ancient Cambodia Art. The stone in question is Stela B(2) from Copan in Central America. Indian Elephants are implied not African. John L. Stephans in 1842 in this region mentioned the carving looks as if it was made by a man who never saw a elephant before but who had some drawing or picture he used that was close to its description picture wise to copy. Plato mentions there was elephants in Atlantis and other animals, and also in Bagota, Columbia there a 'field of giants' of mammoth bones, which an extensive plain is covered with. It is also noted that the calendar used in Mexico has some likeness to the calendars used in Tibet based on the numerical counting system of the days.

Separate from this article is one from a Rene Malaise called 'Atlantis: The Atlantic Continent and its Submersion'. In this article the evidence from core drilling in the Atlantic proved that the most of the Mid Atlantic Ridge was once above water during the recent Ice Ages. Also, in a separate article Malaise goes on to say the canary islands are an ancient archipelago that was above water and once connected from Africa to the Mid Atlantic Ridge. The other point is that Atlantis central island sank at around Wurm Glacial period or 25,000-30,000 B.C.. A different article by a Capt. H. P. C. Andersen mentions concrete found of the coast of Cape Verde Islands in 1929 who brought up from the small harbor on the north western side of Boavista Island. They claimed the whole bottom of this harbor was as flat as a pancake and looked like it was man made. The depth in harbor is only 24 feet where they found this plateau.


 Atlantis: The Location of Atlantean Remains, C.C. M. Hardy




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