
Atlantean Research, and Atlantis from 1947-1987, or 50 years research in Brighton,Eng.

Edgerton Sykes was the Editor for most of the Articles. Dean R. Clarke has been the World Authority on the subject of Atlantis and curator of this very rare collection for over 30 years.


Journal discussions in 1949-

The importance of Hans Hoerbiger 1920's 'Moons, Myth, and Man' the cosmological disaster and the trapping of the our modern moon as a satellite, and the implication of other asteroid captures.

The earliest written mentioning of Noah's Ark by Berosus the Chaldean Priest in 475 B.C. about the Babylonian Flood story akin to Noah's own story. The person in his story who was escaping the flood was a Xisuthurus who opened the boat and found he was on the side of a mountian i.e. the land of Armenia which the ancient people of the Corcyaean Mountains made amulets from the Bitumen from the ark boat. In the past they turned these amulets into a Alexipharmic, or a form a braclet amulet. Ship is claimed to have landed on the Mountain of Nisar where a offering was given on the peak of the mountain. Manetho mentions in 300 B.C. that something like a Siriadic Columns were set up by the Sons of Seth. Here is his qoute:

"And lest their science should at any time be lost among men and what they had previously acquired should perish (inasmuch as Adam had acquainted them that a universal Aphanism, or destruction of all things, will take place, alternatively by the force of fire and the overwelming powers of water), they erected two columns, the one of brick, and the other of stone, and engraved upon each of them their discoveries, so that in the case the brick pillar was demolished by the waters, the stone pillar might survive to teach men".

Manetho's second reference is that after the deluge the anti-diluvian texts were put on the columns which were copied by Thoth (that is the first Hermes). He translated the text off the column of a sacred dialect and from Agathodaemon, son of the second Hermes, which in the Penetralia of the Temples of Egypt was from whence Manetho was able to extract material for his chronicle, deposited it. In his day Egypt had a lot of written material on the great Noahdic flood.

Greek versions of the Flood as noted by Apollodorus, Hellanicus, The Sibyline Oracle, and Pinder

All mention Deucalion and his wife, as well as how the Pyrrea ship grounded on the side of a mountain where their deliverance was commemorated by the two columns at the temple entrance at Hierapolis which may well be the Siriadic Columns once again.

Nicholas of Damascus who walked with Jesus mentions that the Mountain in question was called,

Baris above Minya in the land of Armenia. Baris means in some languages a 'ship', and the Armenians

According to Josephus called the area 'Nachidsheuan' and in the Himalayas southern peaks where another ship land was called to them 'Naubandhana' a very similar term to the Armenian counter part by name of Noah places of landing.

The origin of the mythological interpretation of Procession of the Zodiac effects on man's note of zodiacal ages in the book by Witold Balcer's 'Mystery of the Zodiac' as related to his unpublished works. This is the person who is a pre-cursor to 'Hamlet's Mill'.


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